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General Update List / Recommendation #96

Open MrKennyG opened 1 year ago

MrKennyG commented 1 year ago


Going to be putting some game change recommendations after playing for the first week.

Make Phone Easier. Phone Losing its charge is frustrating. Phone getting wet is frustrating. If phone gets stolen/broke/lost/wet you can't call 911 or 311. Phone gets wet while fishing because you have to be by water but the tide rises. The features are really cool and unique but i think a lot of people will agree it just turns into a giant hassle. (Havent checked yet cause small brain but having hotkeys to answer and hangup are a must!)

Food. Havent gotten a chance to try a lot of food besides a little bit of pizza this and convenience stores. Would be nice to have certain food give effects such as more "Filling" "Endurance" "Stronger" "Armor" (Unless Armor will be sold somewhere else or Joints will eventually give armor"

Lockpicks. Already discussed a little in discord but the current state is a disaster and this may be from conflicting mods or something. At the moment Regular lockpicks actually dont do anything except when combined with another item make advanced lockpicks BUT you need a regular lockpick to try and find houses to rob (to get a prompt) but even then you have to use advanced lockpick to enter the house. My recommendation is this... Make regular lockpicks have a very easy skill check to break into regular, nothing fancy, cars (Shitty Cars) Make advanced lockpicks available for houses and Sporty cars (local cars that look expensive and drive good / fast) And finally, add in a new lockpick device or hacking device that can be found in either a black market for a hefty price or through another illegal task (can be anything) that will break into cop cars / helicopters / ect with a harder style minigame. Also - Make lockpicks have a durability bar and a minimum use amount. (I've had two advanced lockpicks break after 1 lock try and some last like 10 uses)

Seatbelts!!! Stress has gotten better and its not super bad right now, HOWEVER, Every vehicle needs to have the option to put a seatbelt on... even if it doesn't make sense to stop stress. Boats / Helicopters / Motorcycles.

Third Eye vs Hitting "E"... Right now there are some things that you have to third eye and some things you just hit E to shop or interact. I believe to make it all flow together and be consistent everything should switch to Third Eye.

Map Icons. There are wayyy too many icons on the minimap when you open it up and in general a cleanup of this could be reducing all of the not super important stuff that will be stumbled upon by exploring such as Tennis, Basketball..ect. Things like Police station and hospital (big priority stuff should be displayed first then add important businesses / locations for jobs so the minimap works and is not overbearing.

Businesses (For the Time being until more populated) I think the city should focus on maybe 2 different car mechanic shops and 2-3 different restaurants. At the moments there are a ton of different restaurants and auto shops that are spread all over the place making it confusing on where to go to and which ones might actually be open (i know there is a business app but bear with me) This will increase RP and bring business to the places that are actually open and establish these places that people put effort into as staples of the city. When the city gets a bigger playerbase this would be time to maybe add in those other shops and let the city unfold more.

Uniqueness!!! THIS WILL BE A HUGE THING TO MAKE HOLLYWOOD STAND OUT!! As it stands the city is a big copy paste with places ottos autos, cat cafe, tuner shop ect... This will be a ways down the road and VERY hard earned but i thought the option of maybe allowing Owners of places that are successful and staffed most of the time the ability to make the shop their own. Such as, Changing the name of the Business, Custom minimap Icon for that business, Adding construction of custom artwork at the place / billboards or storefront changes. Sort of like how SOA compound already has a custom flag on top the building. One idea was Pizza This. If Jonny owns it and has it operational most of the time for months on end bringing great rp to the city and being a "Hot" spot of the city. How cool would it be to have Jonny be able to name the place and change some of the framework around the building and his own art. Just a cool thought to reward hard work of people. ^^ This would work the same way with Gangs and gang territory. If they offer value and bring actual good rp to the city why not reward!? If this is all possible of course.

I think i have more but forgot and this message is long enough sorry for long post <3