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Optmuis #23

Closed fedyyy123 closed 3 months ago

fedyyy123 commented 3 months ago

support for optimus AMD/Nvidia Prime Offload

i didn't test it since you stated that you dev_nv branch quote" DOES NOT WORK FOR OPTIMUS YET !!!!!!!" i'm really confused should i try the main iso or the dev_nv iso cuz the first one support optmuis but not nvidia and the second one support nvidia but not optimus ? with that being said it works in arch from the desktop and from the tty but the game has no image so i reinstalled steam now its fully working in the desktop and the game work fine but from the tty it says one of the cards are not a "KMS" device. the experience is inconsistent . arch kinda break byitself through updates and pacman doesn't even have the potential to do the necessary like reseting the packages properly

Your device's full specs

CPU: *AMD ryzen 5600H with raedon graphics*
GPU: *RTX 3050 ti mobile*