HoloISO / issuetracker

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[Bug] Aya NEO KUN issues #5

Open dragoonDorise opened 5 months ago

dragoonDorise commented 5 months ago

Your Issue:

Controls won't work, only touchpads and AYA button works. DPAD, AXBY, or analogs are not being recognized. There's no sound either.

Your device's full specs

CPU: AMD 7840U
GPU: AMD 7840U

Installer used to install?


OS version (/etc/holoiso-release):


Did it work before?

First time using holoISO, so no idea
theVakhovskeIsTaken commented 5 months ago

Thanks for reporting! That's probably current kernel being too old. Also as for sound, could I get lspci and dmesg outputs please?

dragoonDorise commented 5 months ago

@theVakhovskeIsTaken reinstalling HoloISO fixed my gamepad issues, now all controls work, still no sound though. I've uploaded both command's output :)

In Desktop mode I get two Inactive sound cards, Family 17h/19h HD Audio controller and Rembrandt Radeon High Definition Audio Controller.

USB Headphones do work btw, regular minijack headphones do not.

dmesg.txt lspci.txt

theVakhovskeIsTaken commented 1 month ago

Does this still happen?

dragoonDorise commented 1 month ago

@theVakhovskeIsTaken My Kin died, I'm waiting on AYA to send me a new one, I'll report back as soon as I get it