HoloLabInc / MixedRealityToolkit-Unity

MixedRealityToolkit-Unity uses code from the base MixedRealityToolkit repository and makes it easier to consume in Unity.
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[v2.1.0] README_MRTKStandardShader #52

Closed tarukosu closed 4 years ago

tarukosu commented 4 years ago
diff --git a/Documentation/README_MRTKStandardShader.md b/Documentation/README_MRTKStandardShader.md
index 73358e249..ec87f6ccd 100644
--- a/Documentation/README_MRTKStandardShader.md
+++ b/Documentation/README_MRTKStandardShader.md
@@ -19,10 +19,31 @@ You can find a comparison scene to compare and test the MRTK/Standard shader aga

 The MRTK/Standard shading system is an "uber shader" that uses [Unity's shader program variant feature](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SL-MultipleProgramVariants.html) to auto-generate optimal shader code based on material properties. When a user selects material properties in the material inspector they only incur performance cost for features they have enabled.

-A custom material inspector exists for the MRTK/Standard shader called **MixedRealityStandardShaderGUI.cs**. The inspector automatically enables/disables shader features based on user selection and aides in setting up render state. For more information about each feature please hover over each property in the Unity Editor for a tooltip.
+## Material Inspector
+A custom material inspector exists for the MRTK/Standard shader called [`MixedRealityStandardShaderGUI.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Editor.MixedRealityStandardShaderGUI). The inspector automatically enables/disables shader features based on user selection and aides in setting up render state. For more information about each feature **please hover over each property in the Unity Editor for a tooltip.**

 ![Material Inspector](../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_MaterialInspector.jpg)

+The first portion of the inspector controls the material's render state. *Rendering Mode* determines when and how a material will be rendered. The aim of the MRTK/Standard shader is to mirror the [rendering modes found in the Unity/Standard shader](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/StandardShaderMaterialParameterRenderingMode.html). The MRTK/Standard shader also includes an *Additive* rendering mode and *Custom* rendering mode for complete user control.
+| Rendering Mode |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| Opaque         | (Default) Suitable for normal solid objects with no transparent areas.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
+| Cutout         | Allows creation of transparent effects that have hard edges between the opaque and transparent areas. In this mode, there are no semi-transparent areas, the texture is either 100% opaque, or invisible. This is useful when using transparency to create the shape of materials such as vegetation.                                                              |
+| Fade           | Allows the transparency values to entirely fade an object out, including any specular highlights or reflections it may have. This mode is useful if you want to animate an object fading in or out. It is not suitable for rendering realistic transparent materials such as clear plastic or glass because the reflections and highlights will also be faded out. |
+| Transparent    | Suitable for rendering realistic transparent materials such as clear plastic or glass. In this mode, the material itself will take on transparency values (based on the texture’s alpha channel and the alpha of the tint colour), however reflections and lighting highlights will remain visible at full clarity as is the case with real transparent materials. |
+| Additive       | Enables an additive blending mode which sums the previous pixel color with the current pixel color. This is the preferred transparency mode to avoid transparency sorting issues.                                                                                                                                                                                  |
+| Custom         | Allows for every aspect of the rendering mode to be controlled manually. For advanced usage only.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |                                                                                                                                            |
+![Rendering Modes](../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_RenderingModes.jpg)
+| Cull Mode |                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| Off       | Disables face culling. Culling should only be set to Off when a two sided mesh is required.                                                                                        |
+| Front     | Enables front face culling.                                                                                                                                                        |
+| Back      | (Default) Enables [back face culling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Back-face_culling). Back face culling should be enabled as often as possible to improve rendering performance. |
 ## Performance

 One of the primary advantages to using the MRTK Standard shader over the Unity standard shader is performance. The MRTK Standard Shader is extensible to only utilize the features enabled. However, the MRTK Standard shader has also been written to deliver comparable aesthetic results as the Unity Standard shader but at a much lower cost. One simple way to compare shader performance is via the number of operations that needs to be performed on the GPU. Of course, the magnitude of calculations may fluctuate by features enabled and other rendering configurations. But, in general, the MRTK Standard shader performs significantly less computation than the Unity Standard shader.
@@ -56,11 +77,11 @@ For static lighting the shader will respect lightmaps built by Unity's [Lightmap

 ### Hover Light

-A Hover Light is a Fluent Design System paradigm that mimics a "point light" hovering near the surface of an object. Often used for far away cursor lighting the application can control the properties of a Hover Light via the [**HoverLight.cs**](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.HoverLight). Up to 3 Hover Lights are supported at a time.
+A Hover Light is a Fluent Design System paradigm that mimics a "point light" hovering near the surface of an object. Often used for far away cursor lighting the application can control the properties of a Hover Light via the [`HoverLight.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.HoverLight). Up to 3 Hover Lights are supported at a time.

 ### Proximity Light

-A Proximity Light is a Fluent Design System paradigm that mimics a "gradient inverse point light" hovering near the surface of an object. Often used for near cursor lighting the application can control the properties of a Proximity Light via the [**ProximityLight.cs**](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.ProximityLight). Up to 2 Proximity Lights are supported at a time.
+A Proximity Light is a Fluent Design System paradigm that mimics a "gradient inverse point light" hovering near the surface of an object. Often used for near cursor lighting the application can control the properties of a Proximity Light via the [`ProximityLight.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.ProximityLight). Up to 2 Proximity Lights are supported at a time.

 ## Lightweight Scriptable Render Pipeline Support

@@ -72,13 +93,23 @@ To perform the MRTK upgrade select: **Mixed Reality Toolkit -> Utilities -> Upgr

 After the upgrade occurs the MRTK/Standard shader will be altered and any magenta (shader error) materials should be fixed. To verify the upgrade successfully occurred please check the console for: **Upgraded Assets/MixedRealityToolkit/StandardAssets/Shaders/MixedRealityStandard.shader for use with the Lightweight Render Pipeline.**

+## UGUI Support
+The MRTK Standard shading system works with Unity's built in [UI system](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UISystem.html). On Unity UI components the unity_ObjectToWorld matrix is not the transformation matrix of the local transform the Graphic component lives on but that of it's parent Canvas. Many MRTK/Standard shader effects require object scale to be known. To solve this issue the [`ScaleMeshEffect.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input.Utilities.ScaleMeshEffect) will store scaling information into UV channel attributes during UI mesh construction.
+Note, when using a Unity Image component it is recommended to specify "None (Sprite)" for the Source Image to prevent Unity UI from generating extra vertices.
+A Canvas within the MRTK will prompt for the addition of a [`ScaleMeshEffect.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input.Utilities.ScaleMeshEffect) when one is required:
+![scale mesh effect](../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_ScaleMeshEffect.jpg)
 ## Texture Combiner

 To improve parity with the Unity Standard shader per pixel metallic, smoothness, emissive, and occlusion values can all be controlled via [channel packing](http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/ChannelPacking). For example:

 ![channel map example](../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_ChannelMap.gif)

-When you use channel packing, you only have to sample and load one texture into memory instead of four separate ones. When you write your texture maps in a program like Substance or Photoshop, you can pack hand pack them like so:
+When you use channel packing, you only have to sample and load one texture into memory instead of four separate ones. When you write your texture maps in a program like Substance or Photoshop, you can hand pack them like so:

 | Channel | Property             |
@@ -97,26 +128,65 @@ This windows can be automatically filled out by selecting a Unity Standard shade

 Below are extra details on a handful of features details available with the MRTK/Standard shader.

+### Primitive Clipping
 Performant plane, sphere, and box shape clipping with the ability to specify which side of the primitive to clip against (inside or outside). You can find a scene that demonstrates advanced usage of clipping primitives in the  **ClippingExamples** scene under: [MixedRealityToolkit.Examples/Demos/StandardShader/Scenes/](https://github.com/microsoft/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity/tree/mrtk_release/Assets/MixedRealityToolkit.Examples/Demos/StandardShader/Scenes)

 ![primitive clipping](../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_PrimitiveClipping.gif)

-[**ClippingPlane.cs**](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.ClippingPlane), [**ClippingSphere.cs**](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.ClippingSphere), and [**ClippingBox.cs**](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.ClippingBox) can be used to easily control clipping primitive properties.
+[`ClippingPlane.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.ClippingPlane), [**ClippingSphere.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.ClippingSphere), and [**ClippingBox.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.ClippingBox) can be used to easily control clipping primitive properties.

 ![primitive clipping gizmos](../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_PrimitiveClippingGizmos.gif)

+### Mesh Outlines
+Many mesh outline techniques are done using a [post processing](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PostProcessingOverview.html) technique. Post processing provides great quality outlines, but can be prohibitively expensive on many Mixed Reality devices. You can find a scene that demonstrates usage of mesh outlines in the  **OutlineExamples** scene under: [MixedRealityToolkit.Examples/Demos/StandardShader/Scenes/](https://github.com/microsoft/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity/tree/mrtk_release/Assets/MixedRealityToolkit.Examples/Demos/StandardShader/Scenes)
+<img src="../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_MeshOutline.jpg" width="900">
+[`MeshOutline.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.MeshOutline) and [`MeshOutlineHierarchy.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.MeshOutlineHierarchy) can be used render an outline around a mesh renderer. Enabling this component introduces an additional render pass of the object being outlined, but is designed to run performantly on mobile Mixed Reality devices and does not utilize any post processes. Limitations of this effect include it not working well on objects which are not watertight (or required to be two sided) and depth sorting issues can occur on overlapping objects.
+The outline behaviors are designed to be used in conjunction with the MRTK/Standard shader. Outline materials are usually a solid unlit color, but can be configured to achieve a wide array of effects. The default configuration of a outline material is as follows: 
+<img src="../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_OutlineMaterial.jpg" width="450">
+1. Depth Write - should be disabled for outline materials to make sure the outline does not prevent other objects from rendering.
+2. Vertex Extrusion - needs to be enabled to render the outline.
+3. Use Smooth Normals - this setting is optional for some meshes. Extrusion occurs by moving a vertex along a vertex normal, on some meshes extruding along the default normals will cause discontinuities in the outline. To fix these discontinuities you can check this box to use another set of smoothed normals which get generated by [`MeshSmoother.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.MeshSmoother)
+[`MeshSmoother.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.MeshSmoother) is a component which can be used to automatically generate smoothed normals on a mesh. This method groups vertices in a mesh that share the same location in space then averages the normals of those vertices. This process creates a copy of the underlying mesh and should be used only when required.
+<img src="../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_SmoothNormals.jpg" width="450">
+1. Smooth normals generated via [`MeshSmoother.cs`](xref:Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.MeshSmoother).
+2. Default normals used, notice the artifacts around the cube corners. 
+### Stencil Testing
 Built in configurable stencil test support to achieve a wide array of effects. Such as portals:

 ![stencil test](../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_StencilTest.gif)

+### Instanced Color Support
 Instanced color support to give thousands of GPU instanced meshes unique material properties:

 ![instanced properties](../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_InstancedProperties.gif)

+### Triplanar Mapping
 Triplanar mapping is a technique to programmatically texture a mesh. Often used in terrain, meshes without UVs, or difficult to unwrap shapes. This implementation supports world or local space projection, the specification of blending smoothness, and normal map support. Note, each texture used requires 3 texture samples, so please use sparingly in performance critical situations.


+### Vertex Extrusion
+Vertex extrusion in world space. Useful for visualizing extruded bounding volumes or transitions in/out meshes.
+![normal map scale](../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_VertexExtrusion.gif)
+### Miscellaneous
 A checkbox to control albedo optimizations. As an optimization albedo operations are disabled when no albedo texture is specified. This is useful for controlling [remote texture loading](http://dotnetbyexample.blogspot.com/2018/10/workaround-remote-texture-loading-does.html).

 Simply check this box:
@@ -127,10 +197,6 @@ Per pixel clipping textures, local edge based anti aliasing, and normal map scal

 ![normal map scale](../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_NormalMapScale.gif)

-Vertex extrusion in world space. Useful for visualizing extruded bounding volumes or transitions in/out meshes.
-![normal map scale](../Documentation/Images/MRTKStandardShader/MRTK_VertexExtrusion.gif)
 ## See also

 - [Interactable](README_Interactable.md)