HoloSound / AIC14W_G06_T02

Advanced Internet Computing 2014W Group 6 / Topic 2 - RAID Middleware
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RAID1 deletion of file in history #6

Closed HoloSound closed 9 years ago

HoloSound commented 9 years ago

RAID1: Clicking History of a file --> http://localhost:8080/web/raid1?task=history&fileName=hex_test.bin we are getting 2 files with "hex_test.bin".

Delete File - is done via:

private String getDeleteLink(FileObject f) {

    return "<a target='_blank' title=\"Delete file\" href='javascript:void' onclick=\"jQuery.get('raid1?task=" + Raid1Servlet.DELETE_OPERATION + "&" + Raid1Servlet.FILE_NAME + "=" + f.getName()
            + "', '', callback1, 'text' )\" > <img src=\"/web/pic/delete.png\" alt=\"delete\"/> </a>";

an here the the onclick=\"... may have a problem?

What does the callback1 and text ?

In script.js var callback1 = function(dataReceived){

 $('#raid1Div table' ).load("raid1?task=list" );//RELOAD LIST


a alert Function will be called. And then again the showLoadingInFileList() is called.

function showLoadingInFileList(){ $('#raid1Div table' ).empty(); $('#raid1Div table' ).append("LOADING") }

... here is something done with the raid1Div table ... but this table does not exist on the (new) Modal History dialog!

(In which way a deletion is executed?)

HoloSound commented 9 years ago

There is also a issue#5 regarding DELETE.