Hologos / tpcp

A smart tool to remotely work with SAP import queue and transports.
MIT License
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SSH fails if host is not already known #52

Open Hologos opened 3 years ago

Hologos commented 3 years ago
| hologos@host::real-host [/home/hologos]
| => cat /host/scripts/tpcp/tpcp-logs/20210419-100803/main.log
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] I: Running tpcp v1.0.1.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] I: Program invoked as /host/scripts/tpcp-1.0.1/tpcp XXDK968734 XXB120 XXA120 CPY ADD
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] I: Loading ini file /host/scripts/tpcp/system-definition.ini.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] I: Caching all domain controllers in parallel.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] W: Control socket connect(/tmp/tpcp-ssh-master-control-xxbadm@target-host1:22): No such file or directory
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] W: Control socket connect(/tmp/tpcp-ssh-master-control-xxdadm@target-host3:22): No such file or directory
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] W: Control socket connect(/tmp/tpcp-ssh-master-control-xxaadm@target-host2:22): No such file or directory
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] W: Host key verification failed.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] W: Host key verification failed.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] W: Host key verification failed.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] W: Host key verification failed.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] C: Cannot get domain controller for XXB from xxbadm@target-host1:22.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] W: Host key verification failed.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] C: Cannot get domain controller for XXD from xxdadm@target-host3:22.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] W: Host key verification failed.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] C: Cannot get domain controller for XXA from xxaadm@target-host2:22.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] C: Could not cache all domain controllers.
[19.04.2021 10:08:03] I: Cleaning up temporary files.
| hologos@host::real-host [/home/hologos]
| => vim /etc/
| hologos@host::real-host [/home/hologos]
| => ssh hologos@target-host1 whoami
The authenticity of host 'target-host1 (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:A6NSmPFRiqupWKIM8aKowwMJwfC41lpZSsDaWFLo1mY.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'target-host1,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
| hologos@host::real-host [/home/hologos]
| => ssh hologos@target-host2 whoami
The authenticity of host 'target-host2 (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:7V4D/8WRqzwkyC7HMsrtMbfKQmxiXBkXMAsMsV5hh+8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'target-host2,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Hologos commented 3 years ago

It is mentioned in README, chapter Host key verification.