HolographicWings / LethalExpansion

LethalExpansion Mod
MIT License
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Crashes with v50 (public beta) #138

Open h4sohail opened 3 months ago

h4sohail commented 3 months ago

I'm not sure if these logs are relevant but the game crashes with the upcoming update (v50). You can use the update from Steam (enable the beta).

[Error  : Unity Log] MissingFieldException: Field not found: DunGen.Graph.DungeonFlow[] .RoundManager.dungeonFlowTypes Due to: Could not find field in class
Stack trace:
(wrapper dynamic-method) RoundManager.DMD<RoundManager::GenerateNewFloor>(RoundManager)
RoundManager.GenerateNewLevelClientRpc (System.Int32 randomSeed, System.Int32 levelID) (at <c4df3e9b25ee4cc28a85022be356d2cd>:0)
(wrapper dynamic-method) RoundManager.DMD<RoundManager::__rpc_handler_1193916134>(Unity.Netcode.NetworkBehaviour,Unity.Netcode.FastBufferReader,Unity.Netcode.__RpcParams)
Unity.Netcode.RpcMessageHelpers.Handle (Unity.Netcode.NetworkContext& context, Unity.Netcode.RpcMetadata& metadata, Unity.Netcode.FastBufferReader& payload, Unity.Netcode.__RpcParams& rpcParams) (at <895801699cfc4b4ab52267f31e2a4998>:0)
Rethrow as Exception: Unhandled RPC exception!
Unity.Netcode.RpcMessageHelpers:Handle(NetworkContext&, RpcMetadata&, FastBufferReader&, __RpcParams&)
Unity.Netcode.NetworkBehaviour:__endSendClientRpc(FastBufferWriter&, UInt32, ClientRpcParams, RpcDelivery)
RoundManager:GenerateNewLevelClientRpc(Int32, Int32)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

[Error  : Unity Log] MissingFieldException: Field not found: DunGen.Graph.DungeonFlow[] .RoundManager.dungeonFlowTypes Due to: Could not find field in class
Stack trace:
(wrapper dynamic-method) RoundManager.DMD<RoundManager::GenerateNewFloor>(RoundManager)
RoundManager.GenerateNewLevelClientRpc (System.Int32 randomSeed, System.Int32 levelID) (at <c4df3e9b25ee4cc28a85022be356d2cd>:0)
RoundManager+<LoadNewLevelWait>d__118.MoveNext () (at <c4df3e9b25ee4cc28a85022be356d2cd>:0)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <e27997765c1848b09d8073e5d642717a>:0)
HolographicWings commented 3 months ago

Hello, the mod is discontinued, i don't plan to work anymore on it, i'm sorry If someone do a PR with a fix for v50, i'll merge and release it, but i don't longer work on LC Modding

NepNet commented 2 months ago

Seems like the reason it broke was because some properties were moved inside a class related to DungeonFlow. I made a PR waiting for approval

Edgeburn commented 2 months ago

Seems like the reason it broke was because some properties were moved inside a class related to DungeonFlow. I made a PR waiting for approval

Could this final v50 compatibility update be pushed to thunderstore? So that a transitionary period can exist for the dependent mods in my modpack until those mods can hopefully update to no longer require it?

HolographicWings commented 2 months ago

Seems like the reason it broke was because some properties were moved inside a class related to DungeonFlow. I made a PR waiting for approval

Could this final v50 compatibility update be pushed to thunderstore? So that a transitionary period can exist for the dependent mods in my modpack until those mods can hopefully update to no longer require it?

It's already the case https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/HolographicWings/LethalExpansion_Preview/ I'll not push it in main branch, peoples should move on LLL and LethalLib I don't longer work on LE and can't continue support for it