HolyLab / BlockRegistrationScheduler.jl

Multi-core image registration scheduler
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Question: Does the image data type matter? #22

Closed mdhe1248 closed 8 years ago

mdhe1248 commented 8 years ago

Hi Tim and Cody, I have two questions:

  1. I am wondering if data type affects registration speed? For example, share array results in faster registration than array?
  2. Another question is how can I save new image into shared array? Can I use something like this line: f = open(fn, "w+") output = Mmap.mmap(f, Array{Float32,4}, (size(img)[1:3]..., length(tindex)))

Best, Jerry

timholy commented 8 years ago

Hi Jerry,

A SharedArray means an Array that can be used efficiently by multiple julia processes (e.g., julia -p 4 or addprocs). If you're only using one process, there is no difference in usage speed. (SharedArrays are slower to construct in the first place, but for a long-running job like registration you won't notice the few milliseconds it takes.)

You can create a SharedArray from a file or by specifying its element type and size, see ?SharedArray.

mdhe1248 commented 8 years ago

Okay. Thanks Tim. Registration speed increases a lot when I use SharedArray and multiple julia processes.

Here might be a problem and potential solution: Problem: When I use subim from an Array, registration freezes. Solution: If I use subim from SharedArray, then the registration doesn't freeze. I always used multiple threads. Thus, I am not sure if single core registration can also solve this problem.

timholy commented 8 years ago

I don't understand what you mean by "registration freezes." Does it just fail to make progress? If you hit Ctrl-C, where does it break?

mdhe1248 commented 8 years ago

Hi Tim, Ctrl-C didn't work immediately, so I killed the process outside Julia. Cody had the same issue when he used subim, and we end up with not using subim.

The process usually froze at the mismatch step: For example, I could see the messages below, but did not proceed further. From worker 2: Worker 2 is working on 1 From worker 3: Worker 3 is working on 2 From worker 4: Worker 4 is working on 3 From worker 6: Worker 6 is working on 5 From worker 5: Worker 5 is working on 4

timholy commented 8 years ago

How are you calling it when this happens? Can you paste your script?

mdhe1248 commented 8 years ago

Oh, Tim, could you see this script below instead of the script above? I will delete the script above. It has many errors.

wpids = addprocs(4)  # use 8 worker processes (no CUDA)

using Images, SIUnits.ShortUnits, FixedSizeArrays, JLD, MAT
using BlockRegistration, BlockRegistrationScheduler
using RegisterWorkerApertures, RegisterMismatch
using ImagePlayer
####### mismatch
fn = "/mnt/donghoon_G001/sampleimg/TSeries-03192016-1142-029.tif" # filename ****
savedir = "/mnt/donghoon_G001/sampleimg"
fileoutext = ".register"
img0 = load(fn);
img = Image(SharedArray(fn, Float32, size(img0); mode = "r"), properties(img0));
tindex0 = 1:size(img,3) #time
fixedidx0 = Int16(ceil(length(tindex0)*0.50)); # Choose fixedindx from the tindex ****

# Select moving stacks
tindex = tindex0;
tindex = tindex0[[1; round(Int16, fixedidx0/2); fixedidx0; round(Int16, fixedidx0/2)+fixedidx0; end-1]]   #for test

# Snip out a region of interest (discard empty portions of the image stack)
roi = (1:250,1:80)

##### Select img: different 'img' (even shared array) other than img0 will give errors.
  img = img0;   # Array
#  img = subim(img0, roi..., tindex)    # Array with roi
#  img = img   # Shared array: entire image
#  img = subim(img, roi..., tindex)  # Shared array: you could alternatively select a subset of times

# Select "fixed" image 
fixedidx = find(tindex .== fixedidx0)
fixed0 = getindexim(img, "t", fixedidx[1])

# Pixel space
ps = [0.11e-6m 0.11e-6m]

# Define preprocessing
sigmahp = Float64[25e-6m/x for x in ps]
sigmalp = [2, 2]
pp = PreprocessSNF(0, sigmalp, sigmahp)
fixed = copy(pp(fixed0))  # use copy because of julia #14625

# grid size
gridspacing =5e-6m
gridsize = (ceil(Int64,[size(img)...][1:2].*ps'./gridspacing)...)
knots = map(d->linspace(1,size(fixed,d),gridsize[d]), (1:ndims(fixed)...))

# max shift
mxshift = (5, 5)

# Choose volume regularization penalty. See the README for
# BlockRegistration and `fixed_λ`.
λ = 1e-4

# Set aperture overlap.
apertureoverlap = 0.0;  #Aperture overlap percentage (between 0 and 1)
aperture_width = default_aperture_width(fixed, gridsize)
overlap = map(x->round(Int64,x*apertureoverlap), aperture_width)

# Create the worker algorithm structures. We assign one per worker process.
algorithm = Apertures[Apertures(fixed, knots, mxshift, λ, pp; overlap=overlap, pid=wpids[i], correctbias=false) for i = 1:length(wpids)]
mon = monitor(algorithm, (), Dict{Symbol,Any}(:mismatch => Float64, :u=>ArrayDecl(Array{Vec{2,Float64},2}, gridsize)))

# Define the output file and run the job
basename = splitext(splitdir(fn)[2])[1]
@show basename
fileout = string(savedir,"/", basename,fileoutext)
@time driver(fileout, algorithm, img, mon)

# Append important extra information to the file
jldopen(fileout, "r+") do io
    write(io, "imagefile", fn)
    write(io, "roi", roi)
    write(io, "fixedidx", fixedidx)
    write(io, "knots", knots)
    write(io, "sigmalp", sigmalp)
    write(io, "sigmahp", sigmahp)
    write(io, "tindex", tindex)
    write(io, "gridsize", gridsize)
    write(io, "λ", λ)
    write(io, "apertureoverlap", apertureoverlap)
    write(io, "mxshift", mxshift)
timholy commented 8 years ago

For me that script seems to be running fine: it doesn't illustrate the freezing you mentioned.

A couple of notes:

julia> 1:8/2

julia> 1:8÷2

You can get that "integer division" operator, ÷, by typing "\div" and then hitting TAB.

timholy commented 8 years ago

Fixed on vivid by backporting https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/14625.