HomagGroup / Blazor3D

Examples of using the Blazor component that displays 3D things :) Blazor + ThreeJS = Blazor3D
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There are errors when we resize window and if the container id is not "blazorview3d" #28

Open shivaramkrs opened 1 year ago

shivaramkrs commented 1 year ago

I have used a different id name for the Blazor3D Viewer. When I resize the window I get errors.

simutaroman commented 1 year ago

It's very strange Example1 also has a different containerId. And resizing works as expected. https://homaggroup.github.io/Blazor3D/example01 https://github.com/HomagGroup/Blazor3D/blob/main/Examples/Blazor3D.Examples.WebAsm/Pages/Example01.razor

 private ViewerSettings settings = new ViewerSettings()
            ContainerId = "example1",
            CanSelect = true,// default is false
            SelectedColor = "yellow",
            ShowViewHelper = false,//default is true
            WebGLRendererSettings = new WebGLRendererSettings
                Antialias = false // if you need poor quality for some reasons

what is lockdown-install.js?

shivaramkrs commented 1 year ago

lockdown-install.js is not part of my project. I can only see it in the browser. Strange that you don't get the error with the custom id. Can you expose the "id" and "style" of the canvas?

simutaroman commented 1 year ago

what do you mean "expose"?