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Kafka UI and Monitoring Tool
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SSL Enabled Kafka Cluster is Not Working #18

Open senthilec566 opened 6 years ago

senthilec566 commented 6 years ago

Hello All , We are using kafdrop-2.0.0.jar and Seems to be accessing ssl enabled kafka cluster is not working.

java -jar kafdrop-2.0.0.jar --zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181/kakfa

Am i missing any Params here ?

Same command works for PLAINTEXT.

Kafka Version : 0.11.0

senthilec566 commented 6 years ago


satare commented 5 years ago

Pong? GOt any workaround ?

senthilec566 commented 5 years ago

no :(

shashankankam commented 5 years ago

facing the same issue, any solutions found??

sumannewton commented 4 years ago

Facing the same issue. Any leads?

ekoutanov commented 4 years ago

Kafdrop 3 supports both SSL/TLS and SASL.

There is no real development taking place on Kafdrop 2.x. Consider updating to the next major version – Kafdrop 3.