HomeAdvisor / Kafdrop

Kafka UI and Monitoring Tool
Apache License 2.0
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Unexpected Kafka request of type METADATA during SASL handshake. #61

Open saursharma-equinix opened 1 year ago

saursharma-equinix commented 1 year ago

Unable to connect kafdrop with sasl protocal.

java -jar kafdrop.jar --zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181 --kafka.brokerConnect=localhost:9092 --kafka.isSecured=true --kafka.env=local --server.servlet.context-path="/kafdrop" --user.dir="C:\opt\kafka\kafka_2.12-3.2.3\config" --server.port=9001 --management.server.port=9002

Error on kafka broker: [2022-09-25 23:14:12,390] INFO [SocketServer listenerType=ZK_BROKER, nodeId=0] Failed authentication with / (channelId= (Unexpected Kafka request of type METADATA during SASL handshake.) (org.apache.kafka.common.network.Selector)