HomeKitFans / homebridge-mi-pm2_5

XiaoMi PM2.5 sensor plugin for HomeBridge.
16 stars 5 forks source link

it's not showing up in homebridge #4

Open davidkristof opened 6 years ago

davidkristof commented 6 years ago

Hey guys,

i'm quite new with homebridge. Maybe i'm doing something wrong. I installed the package with the command, edited config.json with the token and ip from my pm2.5 sensor. homebridge runs without any issue. "loaded config.json with 0 accessories and 1 platforms"

{ "bridge": { "name": "MiBridge", "username": "18:xx:xx:60:BC:1B", "port": 5xxx5, "pin": "031-45-174" },

"platforms": [{
    "platform": "eDomoticz",
    "name": "eDomoticz",
    "server": "",
    "port": "xxxx",
    "ssl": 0,
    "roomid": 0,
    "mqtt": 1,
    "excludedDevices": []

, "accessories": [{ "accessory": "MiPM2_5", "name": "AirQuality Sensor", "showTimeSwitchDisable": true, "showTimeSwitchName": "AirQuality Sensor show time", "ip": "192.168.xxx.xxx", "token": "ebbxxxxxxxxxx0bb76ce137d9" }] }] }

THats my config.json. i changed some values with "x" just as a privacy thing. I see that everyone does that. As i said i'm new :)

Any ideas how i can fix it? Maybe name should be the device id?

mckelvin commented 5 years ago

You can run with the -D parameter to see if there're any detailed logs. homebridge -D ...