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Issue installing packages hosted on bintray? #11123

Closed jrista closed 3 years ago

jrista commented 3 years ago

brew config output

ORIGIN: https://github.com/Homebrew/brew
HEAD: 13f508d0dc8ada1726ee09a750285d7447ac3df4
Last commit: 1 year, 4 months ago
Core tap ORIGIN: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core
Core tap HEAD: f2463cbba086689c872cddd3a8bc242976a603ff
Core tap last commit: 1 year, 3 months ago
CPU: quad-core 64-bit ivybridge
Homebrew Ruby: 2.6.3 => /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.6/usr/bin/ruby
Clang: 11.0 build 1100
Git: 2.25.0 => /usr/local/bin/git
Curl: 7.64.1 => /usr/bin/curl
Java: 1.8.0_232
macOS: 10.15.1-x86_64
Xcode: 11.3.1 => /Applications/Xcode-11.3.1.app/Contents/Developer

brew doctor output

Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers
with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is
working fine: please don't worry or file an issue; just ignore this. Thanks!

Warning: A newer Command Line Tools release is available.
Update them from Software Update in System Preferences or run:
  softwareupdate --all --install --force

If that doesn't show you any updates, run:
  sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
  sudo xcode-select --install

Alternatively, manually download them from:

Warning: Some installed kegs have no formulae!
This means they were either deleted or installed with `brew diy`.
You should find replacements for the following formulae:

Warning: You have unlinked kegs in your Cellar.
Leaving kegs unlinked can lead to build-trouble and cause formulae that depend on
those kegs to fail to run properly once built. Run `brew link` on these:

Warning: Your Xcode (11.3.1) is outdated.
Please update to Xcode 12.4 (or delete it).
Xcode can be updated from the App Store.

The brew doctor above contains no "Warning" lines.

What were you trying to do (and why)?

We are trying to install the httpie command line tool so we can download various files and data during a CI build process. I have fibbed the above "no warnings" check, as I need to get this bug report in, as I dont' think its really a brew issue, but a bintray issue. I have tried to upgrade to xcode 12, which just snowballed into a whole 'nother ordeal I cannot handle right now.

Suffice it to say, it appears bintray is shutting down next month. A package is now marked 403 Forbidden there, and the fallback that brew tries to look for is 404 Not Found. Someone needs to get this package fixed...hosted somewhere.

What happened (include all command output)?

brew install httpie Updating Homebrew... ==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/portable-ruby/portable-ruby/blobs/sha256:b065e5e3783954f3e65d8d3a6377ca51649bfcfa21b356b0dd70490f74c6bd86 ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> Pouring portable-ruby-2.6.3_2.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! Updated 3 taps (homebrew/cask-versions, homebrew/core and homebrew/cask). ==> New Formulae abseil libpciaccess acl2 libpinyin act libpipeline aerc libpqxx@6 aida-header libprelude airshare libpthread-stubs aliddns libraqm alsa-lib librttopo amp libseccomp ansible@2.9 libslirp apidoc libsm apollo-cli libtirpc arb libtorrent-rakshasa archiver libunwind argo libva argocd libvdpau arrayfire libvnc arturo libx11 as-tree libxau asimov libxaw asroute libxaw3d asuka libxcb asymptote libxcomposite athenacli libxcursor atkmm@2.28 libxdamage attr libxdmcp austin libxext autodiff libxfixes aws-console libxfont aws-rotate-key libxft awscli@1 libxi awsweeper libxinerama azcopy libxkbfile b3sum libxml++@4 bandit libxml++@5 bas55 libxmu bcoin libxp beancount libxpm bic libxrandr biosig libxrender bit-git libxres blaze libxscrnsaver blogc libxshmfence bnfc libxt bombadillo libxtst bond libxv bootloadhid libxvmc borgbackup libxxf86dga box2d libxxf86vm bpython linux-headers bpytop linux-pam brook litecli buildozer literate-git c7n lizard-analyzer cacli llvm@9 cadence localstack cadence-workflow logcli cairomm@1.14 logswan cargo-audit loki cargo-edit lp_solve cargo-instruments lttng-ust cargo-watch lua@5.3 carton luajit-openresty cassandra-cpp-driver lunchy cassowary lunchy-go castget luv cbc macos-trash cbmc magic_enum ccheck mandown cctz mapcidr cddlib mariadb@10.4 cdk8s markdownlint-cli cdktf marked cdo mask cfn-flip massdns cfn-format matplotplusplus cgl md4c chalk-cli mermaid-cli charge mesa-glu chars mhonarc chart-testing microplane checkov minipro cherrytree mmctl chezmoi mockery choose-rust mockolo chrony moto clair mpdecimal clang-format@8 msc-generator clash mtoc claws-mail muffet cli11 multitime clip mx cloud-nuke naabu cloudflare-wrangler name-that-hash cloudformation-cli nanorc cloudformation-guard ncspot clusterctl nef cmt nest coconut net-tools code-server networkit coin3d never colfer newrelic-cli commitizen nfpm condure ngs confd nicotine-plus container-structure-test node@14 copilot notmuch-mutt coredns nuclei cortex numactl counterfeiter numcpp cpio oakc cpm obfs4proxy cpplint ocaml-zarith cppman oci-cli cpr odin cqlkit oha crackpkcs oil crane omake crcany open-adventure crispy-doom openalpr croaring openfast croc openfst cubejs-cli openjdk@8 cucumber-ruby openlibm curlie openmama cvs-fast-export openmodelica dasel openstackclient datalad oq datasette or-tools dbdeployer oras delve orgalorg detach ormolu device-mapper ory-hydra dgraph osi dhall-lsp-server osm dhall-yaml osmcoastline diskonaut overdrive djl-serving ox dmagnetic packetbeat dnsprobe packr dnsx pandoc-include-code doctest pandoc-plot docui pandocomatic dog parallel-hashmap dolt parliament dosbox-staging pass-git-helper dotenv-linter pcalc dotnet pcp dprint pdftilecut driftctl pdm dstask periscope dua-cli pfetch duckdb phive duckscript php@7.4 duf phpbrew duktape pickle dynet pipgrip earthly pkger easy-rsa po4a efm-langserver podman eksctl polynote eleventy postgresql@12 emacs-dracula projectm empty prometheus-cpp enkits promtail envoy protoc-gen-go-grpc enzyme protoc-gen-gogo epr protoc-gen-gogofaster erlang@22 protoc-gen-grpc-web eureka psc-package eva ptpython evernote2md publish f3d pueue faiss pure fargatecli pwncat fava pyqt-3d fblog pyqt-builder fcct pyqt-networkauth fennel pyside@2 fetch python-tabulate fizz python-tk@3.9 flamegraph python@3.7 flank python@3.9 flarectl qp flash qrcp fleet-cli qt-libiodbc flit qt-mariadb flow-cli qt-mysql flux qt-percona-server fnm qt-postgresql folderify qt-unixodbc font-util quill forcecli rain foreman raxml-ng forge rbtools fpart rcm fpdns rdkit fplll redo functionalplus reg gallery-dl regipy gateway-go reorder-python-imports gau rgf gcalcli richmd gcc@9 rm-improved gdbgui rosa-cli gdu rqlite geph2 rtl_433 geph4 rtorrent gh rttr ghc@8.8 ruby@2.6 ghc@9 ruby@2.7 ghz rubyfmt ghz-web rust-analyzer git-annex-remote-rclone rustscan git-bug s2n git-gui saltwater git-hooks-go saml2aws git-hound sdns git-remote-codecommit seal git-trim semgrep gitbatch semtag gitlint server-go gitql shallow-backup gitui sheldon giza showkey glab shtools glibc silicon gluon simdjson gmailctl skylighting go-boring sleef go-jsonnet smlpkg go@1.13 smu go@1.14 snap go@1.15 snowpack gobo so gocloc solidity gofish sollya gofumpt sonic gojq spaceship golangci-lint spack googletest sponge gopass-jsonapi spotify-tui gopls spotifyd goredo sqlancer gosec sqlc gost sqlite-utils gostatic standardese gotop staticcheck gping strace gradle-profiler structurizr-cli graphql-cli subfinder gravity swift-format grex swift-sh grokj2k systemd grokmirror t-rec grpcui tanka gtkmm4 taskwarrior-tui guile@2 tctl gulp-cli tendermint h2spec tengo halide termcolor haruhi-dl terracognita hashlink terraform-ls haskell-language-server terraform-provider-libvirt hasura-cli terraform@0.12 hblock terraform@0.13 hcxtools terrascan hdf5-mpi tfsec hdf5@1.10 tgenv hdt thanos heksa thrax helib threemux heppdt2 timg hexo tlx hsd tm htmltest tomcat@9 httpx toot hy torchvision i686-elf-binutils trailscraper i686-elf-gcc tre-command iam-policy-json-to-terraform trec_eval iblinter tree-sitter iconsur trimage idris2 truffle immudb trunk indicators tty-share influxdb@1 tz infracost ugrep inframap unum inja uptoc inko usb.ids inxi utf8cpp ioctl util-macros isl@0.18 uutils-coreutils isort v2ray jc vapor jerryscript vc jimtcl vcpkg jinx vgrep jobber vint jolie virtualenv jpeg-xl vitess jql vivid json5 vlang jsonnet-bundler vlmcsd k3sup volk k9s volta kamel vpn-slice katago vroom kcgi vsearch kcptun vsh keptn vtk@8.2 kertish-dfs vulture keydb waffle khiva wangle kickstart wapm killswitch wasm-pack klee wasm3 ko wasmer kona wayland kondo wayland-protocols kotlin-language-server webify ksync wgcf kube-linter wllvm kubecm wolfmqtt kubergrunt wownero kubevela wren kubie wren-cli kumactl x86_64-elf-gdb lab xbitmaps ladspa-sdk xcb-proto lanraragi xcb-util latexindent xcb-util-cursor latino xcb-util-image lc0 xcb-util-keysyms ldpl xcb-util-renderutil leaf xcb-util-wm leaf-proxy xcbeautify leakcanary-shark xcinfo libaio xclogparser libbsd xcprojectlint libcap xdpyinfo libcap-ng xinput libcbor xkeyboardconfig libcouchbase@2 xorgproto libcpuid xorgrgb libdeflate xray libdmx xterm libdrm xtrans libfido2 xxh libfontenc yh libfs yj libfuse ykdl libgccjit youtube-dlc libgnt youtubedr libhandy yq@3 libice yubikey-agent libirecovery z.lua libmd zenith libmnl zim libnetfilter-queue zlib-ng libnetworkit zoxide libnfnetlink zsh-async libnsl zsh-vi-mode libolm zsh-you-should-use liboqs ==> Updated Formulae Updated 4758 formulae. ==> Renamed Formulae elasticsearch@6.8 -> elasticsearch@6 glibmm@2.64 -> glibmm@2.66 gst-validate -> gst-devtools gtk+4 -> gtk4 ht-rust -> xh interactive-rebase-tool -> git-interactive-rebase-tool jfrog-cli-go -> jfrog-cli kde-extra-cmake-modules -> extra-cmake-modules kde-karchive -> karchive kde-kdoctools -> kdoctools kde-ki18n -> ki18n kde-threadweaver -> threadweaver kibana@6.8 -> kibana@6 libsasl2 -> cyrus-sasl minizip2 -> minizip-ng mkl-dnn -> onednn now-cli -> vercel-cli pangomm@2.42 -> pangomm@2.46 prest -> prestd pyqt5 -> pyqt@5 qt5 -> qt@5 ==> Deleted Formulae python ✔ elasticsearch@2.4 openjdk@12 python@2 ✔ elasticsearch@5.6 ori apache-zeppelin fmsx pgplot arx fstar pijul atlassian-cli geant4 residualvm avian ghc@8.2 rmtrash baidupcs-go gmediaserver sflowtool biogeme gnome-builder sshrc boost@1.55 gobby stlviewer boost@1.59 godep syncthing-inotify camlp4 highlighting-kate tomee-jax-rs cargo-completion i386-elf-grub unp64 ck jpcsp unrar cless kibana@5.6 unravel compcert lastfmfpclient urbit confluent-platform llvm@6 woboq_codebrowser crc lumo wpscan cryptopp marathon-swift wu curl-openssl meson-internal xspin deis mldonkey xu4 deisctl mysql-connector-c++@1.1 zpython djmount neal dtrx open-cobol ==> New Casks 7777 8bitdo-ultimate-software 8x8-meet ableton-live-intro10 ableton-live-lite10 ableton-live-standard10 ableton-live-suite10 abyssoft-teleport accordance accurics affinity-publisher-beta aio-creator-neo airbuddy airtrash ajour aldente aleo-studio aleph-one alipay-development-assistant all-in-one-messenger alloy altdeploy amazon-workdocs-drive amd-power-gadget android-studio-preview-beta android-studio-preview-canary anka-build-cloud-controller-and-registry anka-build-cloud-registry anka-virtualization anzeigenchef apparency arduino-beta around arq5 astah-uml atemosc atomic-wallet audacity audiogridder-plugin audiogridder-server audius aural auristor-client avast-secure-browser avitools aws-vpn-client azure-data-studio-insiders babeledit badlion-client balsamiq-wireframes banksiagui batteries battery-buddy beekeeper-studio berrycast betelguese bigsur-cache-cleaner binance bingpaper blackhole-16ch blackhole-2ch blender-lts bleunlock bluejeans bluesnooze bluetility bluewallet blurred bome-network boop boost-note box-notes box-tools breaktimer brewlet bricklink-partdesigner brightness-sync brooklite buildsettingextractor cakebrewjs calendar-366 calibre4 camera-live camo-studio canva caramba-switcher cernbox chatterino chef-workstation chirp cinco cinderella circuitjs1 cisco-jabber clash-for-windows clashx-pro classicftp cleanshot clicker-for-netflix clicker-for-youtube cljstyle clocker cloudflare-warp coconutid code-composer-studio codeexpander codespace cog coin-wallet coinomi-wallet collabshot colorchecker-camera-calibration colorwell command-pad conferences connectmenow convert3dgui copytranslator corona-tracker corretto11 coscreen countdown cryo curiosity curseforge customshortcuts daedalus-flight daedalus-mainnet daedalus-testnet dangerzone dash5 datweatherdoe db-browser-for-sqlite-nightly ddnet deadbeef deadbeef-nightly deadbolt decloner deltachat deskreen desktoppr devbook deviceinfo devolo-cockpit devutils displays ditto dmenu-mac dnagedcom dnagedcom-beta dockmate dremel-slicer dropbox-passwords drovio dteoh-devdocs duckstation duoshao dyalog dynobase eaccess edenmath edfbrowser electerm electricbinary electrocrud electronmail element elpki eme empoche energia epoccam eset-cyber-security-pro eudic-es eul ev3-classroom evkey exifcleaner f-bar fabfilter-micro fabfilter-one fabfilter-pro-c fabfilter-pro-ds fabfilter-pro-g fabfilter-pro-l fabfilter-pro-mb fabfilter-pro-q fabfilter-pro-r fabfilter-saturn fabfilter-simplon fabfilter-timeless fabfilter-twin fabfilter-volcano fantasy-grounds fastclicker fawkes fellow figma-beta filemaker-pro fing-cli finisher-fluxx finisher-micro finisher-neo finisher-voodoo firestormos fireworks flrig flutter flying-carpet fm3-edit fme foldit font-smoothing-adjuster fontgoggles foobar2000 forticlient-vpn free42-binary free42-decimal freecad-pre freesurfer freetube freeyourmusic fspy futubull fvim g-desktop-suite gactions gather gdat gdlauncher gearboy gearsystem geotag-photos-pro geph ghdl giteye gitfiend gitpigeon glance gluemotion glyphfinder goldendict goldenpassport google-analytics-opt-out google-drive gotomeeting gplates grid grid-clock guijs ha-menu hackintool hakuneko hancock happymac helo hermit-crab hessenbox-da hey home-assistant hookshot hoststool hot ibm-aspera-connect icestudio icollections iconscout iconset iina-plus imarisviewer imdone imitone imobie-m1-app-checker inav-configurator infinity infoflow intel-psxe-ce-c-plus-plus intellidock intellij-idea-ce19 intellij-idea19 internxt-drive intune-company-portal ipremoteutility iriunwebcam jabt-flow jamulus jandi-statusbar jazzup jdk-mission-control jellybeansoup-netflix jellyfin jetbrains-space joshjon-nocturnal juicebar julia-lts katrain kdiff3 kekaexternalhelper keysmith kieler kiwi-for-gmail klogg komet koodo-reader kryoflux ksnip kui kyokan-bob lando-edge lark lazy leela lens librepcb lightform lightkey linear-linear little-navmap little-snitch4 loaf local-beta locationsimulator locklizard-safeguard-viewer lofi logicalshift-zoom loni-pipeline lunar-client lx-music macdroid macfuse machoview macintoshjs macjournal macpass-dev macx-video maczip magicplotpro magicplotstudent mailtrackerblocker marathon-infinity marathon2 masscode masterway-note mater mathinspector matterhorn mcreator mdimagesizemdimporter mechvibes medibangpaintpro meetingbar megax mellow melonbooksviewer melonds memo memory-clean-3 mendeley messenger-unofficial metaimage mi-beta mic-drop micro-sniff microsoft-auto-update microsoft-edge microsoft-outlook microsoft-remote-desktop middle miniforge miro mit-app-inventor mmhmm mochi modern-csv molsoftbrowser mongodb-realm-studio mono-mdk-for-visual-studio moose morpheus-beta mouse-fix mplab-xc16 mplab-xc32 mplab-xc8 mplabx-ide mqttx mtgaprotracker mubu multi mumu munkiadmin mxsrvs n1ghtshade napari nault nautilus naver-whale neat-reader netdownloadhelpercoapp netnewswire-beta network-radar nifty niftyman nightfall noisebuddy nomachine-enterprise-client noraswitch nordlocker nordpass nordvpn-teams northernspysoftware-colorpicker nosql-workbench nota noto nova now-tv-player noxappplayer ntfstool nuage nure objektiv obs-ndi obs-virtualcam obs-websocket obsidian offset-explorer okta-advanced-server-access old-school-runescape olympus omniplan3 omx-ebooks openaudible openboard opencore-configurator openmtp openphone openvpn-connect openvpn-connect-beta openzfs-dev opera-gx operator opgg orca orka osculator osquery oss-browser output-factory packetproxy padloc paletro papers3 parallels14 parallels15 parsify pathephone pb pcoipclient pdf-over pdf-reader-pro perimeter81 phd2 photosrevive pibar pictogram pika pine piskel pitch pixelorama plasticscm-cloud-edition plecs-standalone pokemon-reborn pomatez powershell6 pppc-utility pragli prezi-next prezi-video privatevpn privatus pro-fit propresenter-beta propresenter6 prosys-opc-ua-browser protoio-overflow prowritingaid ptpwebcam publii purei-play pushplaylabs-sidekick pycharm-ce-with-anaconda-plugin pycharm-with-anaconda-plugin qgis-ltr qit qq-beta qtum qtvlm querypie quickkeyextension quickwords qv2ray qview radicle-upstream raiderio raspberry-pi-imager raven-reader ray raycast raze rcse realforce reamp recaf redeclipse redisinsight redream refined-github-safari reflector2 remnote remote-wake-up removebg repoz residualvm responsively retroactive rhino ringcentral-classic ringcentral-phone ripme river-sparkle rolisteam rotki runelite s3stat-setup scrapp screen screenfocus secretive sengi sensei sentinel sequel-ace session sessionrestore shearwater-cloud shutter-encoder sigdigger signet sigviewer silentknight silicon silicon-info silnite sim-genie simplelink-msp432-sdk simplelink-msp432e4-sdk simtoolkitpro sipgate-softphone sitebulb sitesucker-pro sketch-beta sky-ticket skychart slicer-preview slimhud slippi-dolphin smcfancontrol-beta smultron snapmotion snipy sofa-server softube-central solar2d sonarr-beta sonobus sonos-s1-controller sourcenote space-saver spaceman spark-ar-studio spectx spires spitfire-audio splayer spotter spyder ssh-config-editor stack-stack stageplotpro starsector start stashcat stats stems strange-flesh strawberry strawberry-wallpaper streamlabs-obs stringz strongvpn studiolinkstandalone subsync sunloginclient superslicer surfshark swiftbar swifty syncalicious syncroom syncsettings syntax-highlight tandem tap-forms tbe teamviewermeeting teamwire techsmith-capture telavox-flow tempo tenable-nessus-agent tencent-docs tencent-meeting tetrio textbuddy the-archive the-unofficial-homestuck-collection thonny-xxl thor thorium thought-train tigerjython timche-gmail-desktop time-to-leave timelane tinkerwell tip tmnotifier toggl-track toinane-colorpicker toolreleases tradingview transcribe transnomino transocks tribler trojanx tunein twilioquest twitterrific twobird tyme uberconference ueli ultdata unclack unclutter uniflash unity-appletv-support-for-editor unity-linux-il2cpp-support-for-editor unity-macos-il2cpp-support-for-editor unnaturalscrollwheels usenapp utm utools utterly uu-booster vallum vb-cable veepn via videofusion vidl vidrio vine-server vipriser virtualgl vmware-fusion-tech-preview vmware-fusion11 vofa-plus volanta voov-meeting vrew wannianli warzone-2100 waterfox-classic weakauras-companion webcatalog webex webots webull winclone windocd winx-hd-video-converter wolfram-engine wombat wondershare-uniconverter workspaces wormhole wowup wxmacmolplt x-swiftformat xamarin-workbooks xattred xbar xcodeclangformat xcodes xlink-kai xournal-plus-plus yesplaymusic yggdrasil youtube-downloader ytmdesktop-youtube-music yuna yuque zappy zbuc-imgur zecwallet-lite zeitgeist zenbeats zoom-for-it-admins zoom-outlook-plugin zprint zulu13 zulu15 zulufx zy-player ==> Updated Casks Updated 3361 casks. ==> Deleted Casks 0xed lingon-x5 33-rpm lisanet-gimp ableton-live liteswitch-x ableton-live-standard9 little-snitch-nightly adobe-dng-converter livechat alcatraz logoist alephone loopback1 alice luminetmonitor aliwangwang lunchy android-studio-preview madruby angular-console majestic anka-flow makerbot-print anvil mammon anyipsum mamp4 appearin manopen appshelf manuscripts argouml master-password arrayfire medleytext aspera-connect mega autopano-giga megahertz-knotes autopano-pro mendeley-desktop baiduhi microsoft-remote-desktop-beta balsamiq-mockups miro-formerly-realtimeboard barmaid mist barxtemp mobile-mouse-server battery-guardian mollyguard beatport-pro mongodb-compass-community beyond-compare-beta mono-mdk516 bforartists monogame bink-player moodo blackhole moonitor blue-jeans muzei blueservice muzie borgbackup myworkspace box-edit near-lock breeze netbeans-html brogue netsurf browser-chooserx nimble callersbane noobproof canary nosql-workbench-for-amazon-dynamodb canoe noteplan captur nox-app-player capture-one obinslab-starter catalina-cache-cleaner odio cathode okapi cgoban oni chicken openxcom chirp-daily paste chitchat pdfinfo cisdem-pdftoolkit peepopen clementine-latest people-plus-content-ip cloudtv pext-nightly cocoscreator phiewer colloquy pibakery colormunki-display pins colorpicker-rcwebcolorpicker pixi-paint coronasdk podman coyim powershell60 cracked pphelper cube privacy-services-manager cutbox prosys-opc-ua-client daedalus protonmail-unofficial daemon-tools proxpn daily-english-listening psequel darwiinremoteosc qianqianmusic dawnlabs-alchemy qrfcview deadbeef-devel qtum-qt delibar qubibox delta racket-cs deploystudio raptor desktop-presenter raven diptrace rcdefaultapp disablemonitor readandwrite disk-sensei realm-studio djay-pro relativewave-form docear remembear dofus rhinoceros dradio ring dropbox-encore ringtones dropzone riot eclipse-ptp ripit eclipse-scout roblox eim rocketcake elektriktrick rumpus enolsoft-chm-view safaricookiecutter eve safarisort eventstore safe-exam-browser evom scaleft ezip scope f-secure-anti-virus screentray facebook-ios-sdk semaphor fastlane sharpshooter fdr shinhan-ezplus feeder silverback feeds simplecap filemaker-pro-advanced simpless findings sleepyhead flash-ppapi slicer-nightly font-cica softu2f fractal-bot sopcast futuniuniu soundnode gambit sourcetree-alpha gfortran spectacularity ghost spotify-notifications ghostlab spyder-py2 gifs stamp gislook station glip strongvpn-client glueprint subsmarine gog-downloader sugarsync gom-player surge2 google-hangouts sus-inspector google-nik-collection tagalicious google-notifier tap gpsdump teamspeak-client grip teamsql hab telegram-alpha hackety-hack texstudio-beta haskell-for-mac textricator hex-fiend-beta tftpserver hider the-hit-list hipchat thorn-writing hockey tiat hook tinyumbrella hostbuddy toggl hyperion-download-manager toggl-beta ichm toggl-dev iconping trailrunner iina-nightly twelf imaging-edge ukrainian-typographic-keyboard imazing-mini uniconverter imgur unity-vuforia-ar-support-for-editor intelliscape-caffeine universalmailer interface-inspector use-engine invisorql validator-sac iphoney veonim iringg veraview irip vmware-remote-console java watts java11 webex-teams jedict webponize jeromelebel-mongohub whatsapp-pocket jing wineskin-winery jmetrik wko joshaven-winbox wondershare-player kafka-tool workflowy-beta kekadefaultapp x48 kindlegen xact kitabu xmrouter kiwi-for-g-suite yabumi kode54-cog yandexradio kompozer yourkit-java-profiler kube-solo youview leanpub yyets levelator zoomus-outlook-plugin lightpaper

==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/gdbm-1.19.catalina.bottle.tar.gz


curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden Trying a mirror... ==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/gdbm-1.19.catalina.bottle.tar.g ==> Downloading from https://github.com/-/v2/packages/container/package/homebrew


curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Error: Failed to download resource "gdbm" Download failed: https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/gdbm-1.19.catalina.bottle.tar.gz

Exited with code exit status 1 CircleCI received exit code 1

What did you expect to happen?

The command to successfully install Httpie.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions (by running brew commands)

brew install httpie
Bo98 commented 3 years ago

Last commit: 1 year, 4 months ago

This is why. Your version of Homebrew is extremely outdated. We've migrated away from Bintray.

jrista commented 3 years ago

It starts out that way, yes. However it upgrades itself first when we install, and only after that upgrade has occurred does it run into the error.

Updating Homebrew...
==> Downloading ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/portable-ruby/portable-ruby/blobs/sha256:b065e5e3783954f3e65d8d3a6377ca51649bfcfa21b356b0dd70490f74c6bd86
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring portable-ruby-2.6.3_2.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Bo98 commented 3 years ago

I've found one issue relating to auto-updates (brew update works fine), which I've opened #11126 for.

Unfortunately, it won't help your case since it's a bug in the update process.

Therefore either Circle CI need to update their very old install, or you need to add an explicit brew update step since only implicit updates experience the described issue.

jrista commented 3 years ago

Ok...Thank you for the update. Yeah, we started to think that the automatic update wasn't quite working. We ended up just switching back to curl instead of using httpie to get around the problem for now.