Closed m-o-e closed 6 years ago
what's the full output of that command for you as well as brew list
and brew tap
? Thanks!
$ brew services list
Warning: Calling 'depends_on :hg' is deprecated!
Use 'depends_on "mercurial"' instead.
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-services/cmd/brew-services.rb:86:in `available_services'
Please report this to the homebrew/services tap!
Name Status User Plist
postgresql started moe /Users/moe/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
redis started moe /Users/moe/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.redis.plist
$ brew list
ack encfs harfbuzz liblwgeom neovim ruby-build
apple-gcc42 erlang heroku libmpc netperf s3cmd
argp-standalone faac heroku-node libogg ngrep samba
autocode fasd htop libpng ngrok sfcgal
autoconf fdk-aac htop-osx libpq nmap shellcheck
automake fdk-aac-encoder httpie libspatialite node sl
aws-elasticbeanstalk ffmpeg hub libssh nvm sqlite
awscli findutils hugo libtiff objective-caml stow
bash fish hunspell libtool oniguruma switchaudio-osx
bash-completion flac icu4c libusb openssl tesseract
bash-git-prompt flock id3lib libusb-compat parallel texi2html
bats fontconfig id3v2 libvorbis patchutils the_silver_searcher
bchunk fortune iftop libvpx pcre tmate
bdw-gc freetype imagemagick libxdiff pdsh tmux
bfg freexl influxdb libxml2 perl tree
blueutil fribidi iniparser libyaml pgcli unison
boost fuse4x intltool libyubikey phantomjs unrar
brew-gem fuse4x-kext iperf little-cms pinentry v8
bsdiff gcc isl little-cms2 pixman v8-315
cairo gdal jasper llvm pkg-config v8@3.15
cgal gdbm jpeg lmdb postgresql vapoursynth
check geoip jq log4c proctools vim
cloc geos json-c lua proj watch
cmake gettext jsonpp lzip protobuf wget
colordiff giflib lame lzlib pstree wrk
coreutils gifsicle lcdproc makedepend pth wxmac
cowsay git leptonica maven pwgen x264
crystal-lang git-flow lftp media-info pyenv xvid
csync git-flow-avh libass mercurial python xz
ctop git-lfs libassuan mitmproxy python3 yajl
curl glib libav mmv q yarn
dialog gmp libevent mobile-shell randomize-lines yasm
diff-so-fancy gnu-getopt libffi mosh rbenv ykpers
direnv gnu-tar libftdi0 mp3info readline youtube-dl
dirmngr go libgcrypt mpfr redis yubico-piv-tool
dnstop gobject-introspection libgeotiff mpv renameutils zimg
doctl gpg-agent libgpg-error msgpack ripgrep zsh
docutils graphicsmagick libhid mtr rlog
elixir gzrt libksba nasm ruby
$ brew tap
What's the output of
find $(brew --cellar) -maxdepth 4 -mindepth 4 -regex '.*\.rb$' -exec grep -r 'depends_on :hg' "{}" \;
/usr/local/Cellar/ngrok/1.7.1_1/.brew/ngrok.rb: depends_on :hg => :build
So it was unrelated to brew-services after all.
brew uninstall ngrok
fixed it for me.
Thanks for helping and sorry for the noise! (I just followed the on-screen instructions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
brew services list
gives me the following warning: