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Homebrew fails #25153

Closed akakie closed 10 years ago

akakie commented 10 years ago

When I run brew update, I get a long list of things that don't happen, ending with

Aborting Error: Failure while executing: git pull -q origin

Looks like I'm trying to access the wrong git library. What can I do to repair this?

asparagui commented 10 years ago

It might be git, you can do "which git" at the command line to see what is being sent.

If you could copy paste your full error log to a gist (http://gist.github.com) that would make it much easier to help troubleshoot your problem. Running brew doctor wouldn't hurt either.

akakie commented 10 years ago

git is /usr/bin/git git version (Apple Git-47)

I don't see anything that looks useful in the logs. Mostly 1.config and 2.make. Can you be more specific about which log? I'm looking in ~/Library/Logs > Homebrew, which is the only place I found a log from Hombrew.

I saw a notice that the library on github had changed. Could that be responsible?

If I reinstall Homebrew, will I lose everything now installed? That would be a mess. Of course it is already something of a mess since it isn't woking. :(

Where would I get the full error log (and how)? I know how to open Console and how to post to gist, but not how to copy the full error log.

Thanks for responding.


On 12/11/13, 2:26 PM, Brett Koonce wrote:

It might be git, you can do "which git" at the command line to see what is being sent.

If you could copy paste your full error log to a gist (http://gist.github.com) that would make it much easier to help troubleshoot your problem. Running brew doctor wouldn't hurt either.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/issues/25153#issuecomment-30375408.

asparagui commented 10 years ago

just select the text in terminal and paste it here, please.

a) do "brew upgrade" and copy paste back what is printed to the command line b) do "brew doctor" and copy/paste over that as well

akakie commented 10 years ago

On 12/11/13, 6:09 PM, Brett Koonce wrote:

just select the text in terminal and paste it here, please.

a) do "brew upgrade" and copy paste back what is printed to the command line b) do "brew doctor" and copy/paste over that as well

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/issues/25153#issuecomment-30386072.

I did three: brew update, brew upgrade, brew doctor. I suspect permissions are grossly messed up on my system and I don't know how to fix that. Nearest Apple Store is 350 miles south. Locally, there is only a reseller, in whom I have no trust.

It looks to me like there are three problems.

  1. Permissions (brew shouldn't require "sudo"); and
  2. git is pointing to the wrong source; and
  3. I'm in over my head and don't really know what I'm doing. :(


[(init):?][lewy@LewyBook:~] [20:33:25] $ ls Application Support SiteSupport imgtest Applications Sites javascript B-bash_profile.txt TV_Video.nb man CDcover.ott Venues.ods music Calibre Library WinLink oreilly.css CaptureFile.cap akakieweb.tmproj oreilly.php Cry Me a River.mp3 archive oreillyLightbox.php Databases avatars php-production.ini Desktop band notes projects Documents bash_config.sublime-workspace
recommended.php Downloads bash_prompt selectors Dropbox bin sharkey Google Drive caliBooks source Graboid code src Kindle concert svntmp LewyBook.local.pid data tempdoc Library defs.lyi templates Logitech dev tmp Movies disktop vim-prior PEAR fonts vim-project PHP_libary func.php www PI_bash_config.sublime-workspace gist www copy Pictures git www2 Projects.nb github z Public gitlocal ~:.git:.gitignore Quarantine header.lyi Shortcut to WinLink.lnk iPad Software License.rtf

[(init):?][lewy@LewyBook:~] [20:33:27] $ cd /usr/local/mysql/bin -bash: cd: /usr/local/mysql/bin: Permission denied

[(init):?][lewy@LewyBook:~] [20:34:57] $ sudo cd /usr/local/mysql/bin

[(init):?][lewy@LewyBook:~] [20:35:08] $ ls Application Support SiteSupport imgtest Applications Sites javascript B-bash_profile.txt TV_Video.nb man CDcover.ott Venues.ods music Calibre Library WinLink oreilly.css CaptureFile.cap akakieweb.tmproj oreilly.php Cry Me a River.mp3 archive oreillyLightbox.php Databases avatars php-production.ini Desktop band notes projects Documents bash_config.sublime-workspace
recommended.php Downloads bash_prompt selectors Dropbox bin sharkey Google Drive caliBooks source Graboid code src Kindle concert svntmp LewyBook.local.pid data tempdoc Library defs.lyi templates Logitech dev tmp Movies disktop vim-prior PEAR fonts vim-project PHP_libary func.php www PI_bash_config.sublime-workspace gist www copy Pictures git www2 Projects.nb github z Public gitlocal ~:.git:.gitignore Quarantine header.lyi Shortcut to WinLink.lnk iPad Software License.rtf

[(init):?][lewy@LewyBook:~] [20:35:11] $ which mysql -bash: type: mysql: not found

[(init):?][lewy@LewyBook:~] [20:38:53] $ brew -bash: brew: command not found

[(init):?][lewy@LewyBook:~] [20:39:36] $ cd

[(init):?][lewy@LewyBook:~] [20:39:39] $ sudo brew Example usage: brew [info | home | options ] [FORMULA...] brew install FORMULA... brew uninstall FORMULA... brew search [foo] brew list [FORMULA...] brew update brew upgrade [FORMULA...] brew pin/unpin [FORMULA...]

Troubleshooting: brew doctor brew install -vd FORMULA brew [--env | --config]

Brewing: brew create [URL [--no-fetch]] brew edit [FORMULA...] open https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/wiki/Formula-Cookbook

Further help: man brew brew home

[(init):?][lewy@LewyBook:~] [20:39:47] $ sudo brew update error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: Library/Contributions/cmd/brew-leaves.rb Library/Contributions/cmd/brew-pull.rb Library/Contributions/cmd/brew-test-bot.rb Library/Contributions/manpages/brew.1.md Library/ENV/4.3/cc Library/Formula/aamath.rb Library/Formula/adobe-air-sdk.rb Library/Formula/afuse.rb Library/Formula/aplus.rb Library/Formula/apt-cacher-ng.rb Library/Formula/arabica.rb Library/Formula/at-spi2-atk.rb Library/Formula/at-spi2-core.rb Library/Formula/atomicparsley.rb Library/Formula/authexec.rb Library/Formula/autoconf.rb Library/Formula/avidemux.rb Library/Formula/avra.rb Library/Formula/aws-elasticache.rb Library/Formula/axel.rb Library/Formula/bash-completion.rb Library/Formula/bash.rb Library/Formula/beansdb.rb Library/Formula/bib-tool.rb Library/Formula/bigloo.rb Library/Formula/bind.rb Library/Formula/bison.rb Library/Formula/blitz.rb Library/Formula/bonnie++.rb Library/Formula/boost.rb Library/Formula/box2d.rb Library/Formula/bullet.rb Library/Formula/cairo.rb Library/Formula/calcurse.rb Library/Formula/cardpeek.rb Library/Formula/cc65.rb Library/Formula/cdparanoia.rb Library/Formula/center-im.rb Library/Formula/ceylon.rb Library/Formula/chromaprint.rb Library/Formula/clisp.rb Library/Formula/clusterit.rb Library/Formula/cmake.rb Library/Formula/coreutils.rb Library/Formula/crosstool-ng.rb Library/Formula/ctail.rb Library/Formula/curlftpfs.rb Library/Formula/d-bus.rb Library/Formula/dart.rb Library/Formula/dash.rb Library/Formula/datomic.rb Library/Formula/dc3dd.rb Library/Formula/dcmtk.rb Library/Formula/denominator.rb Library/Formula/direnv.rb Library/Formula/dmtx-utils.rb Library/Formula/dnscrypt-proxy.rb Library/Formula/drizzle.rb Library/Formula/dub.rb Library/Formula/duti.rb Library/Formula/dvdrtools.rb Library/Formula/dynamips.rb Library/Formula/easy-git.rb Library/Formula/ecl.rb Library/Formula/eet.rb Library/Formula/elasticsearch.rb Library/Formula/elinks.rb Library/Formula/elixir.rb Library/Formula/emacs.rb Library/Formula/embryo.rb Library/Formula/engine_pkcs11.rb Library/Formula/erlang.rb Library/Formula/etl.rb Library/Formula/exiftool.rb Library/Formula/ext2fuse.rb Library/Formula/ezstream.rb Library/Formula/fastbit.rb Library/Formula/fdk-aac.rb Library/Formula/fontforge.rb Library/Formula/freealut.rb Library/Formula/freetds.rb Library/Formula/fuse4x.rb Library/Formula/fuseki.rb Library/Formula/gambit-scheme.rb Library/Formula/ganglia.rb Library/Formula/gcutil.rb Library/Formula/gdal.rb Library/Formula/gdk-pixbuf.rb Library/Formula/gearman.rb Library/Formula/geoip.rb Library/Formula/ghostscript.rb Library/Formula/gibo.rb Library/Formula/git-flow-avh.rb Library/Formula/git.rb Library/Formula/giter8.rb Library/Formula/glib-networking.rb Library/Formula/glib.rb Library/Formula/gnu-smalltalk.rb Library/Formula/gnupg-pkcs11-scd.rb Library/Formula/gnupg2.rb Library/Formula/gnuplot.rb Library/Formula/go.rb Library/Formula/gobby.rb Library/Formula/gource.rb Library/Formula/gplcver.rb Library/Formula/gpsd.rb Library/Formula/gradle.rb Library/Formula/grass.rb Library/Formula/grc.rb Library/Formula/groovy.rb Library/Formula/gsettings-desktop-schemas.rb Library/Formula/gst-libav.rb Library/Formula/gst-plugins-bad.rb Library/Formula/gst-plugins-base.rb Library/Formula/gst-plugins-good.rb Library/Formula/gst-plugins-ugly.rb Library/Formula/gstreamer.rb Library/Formula/gtk+3.rb Library/Formula/gts.rb Library/Formula/guile.rb Library/Formula/hamsterdb.rb Library/Formula/harfbuzz.rb Library/Formula/hunspell.rb Library/Formula/idutils.rb Library/Formula/influxdb.rb Library/Formula/iniparser.rb Library/Formula/intercal.rb Library/Formula/irods.rb Library/Formula/itstool.rb Library/Formula/jam.rb Library/Formula/jcal.rb Library/Formula/jemalloc.rb Library/Formula/jenkins.rb Library/Formula/john.rb Library/Formula/jq.rb Library/Formula/json_spirit.rb Library/Formula/juise.rb Library/Formula/juju.rb Library/Formula/jython.rb Library/For error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge: Library/Contributions/cmd/brew-bundle.rb Library/ENV/4.3/ant Library/Formula/cattle.rb Library/Formula/cookiecutter.rb Library/Formula/dnsperf.rb Library/Formula/ekhtml.rb Library/Formula/flac123.rb Library/Formula/flawfinder.rb Library/Formula/gnu-apl.rb Library/Formula/gtksourceview3.rb Library/Formula/gtksourceviewmm.rb Library/Formula/gtksourceviewmm3.rb Library/Formula/h2.rb Library/Formula/hexchat.rb Library/Formula/libbson.rb Library/Formula/libfaketime.rb Library/Formula/libmongoclient.rb Library/Formula/masscan.rb Library/Formula/pssh.rb Library/Formula/py3cairo.rb Library/Formula/pygobject3.rb Library/Formula/rats.rb Library/Formula/rcs.rb Library/Formula/saltstack.rb Library/Formula/smartsim.rb Library/Formula/snapraid.rb Library/Formula/tegh.rb Library/Formula/transmission-remote-gtk.rb Library/Formula/virtualpg.rb Library/Formula/x11vnc.rb Library/Formula/zbackup.rb Library/Formula/zsh-history-substring-search.rb Library/Homebrew/cmd/leaves.rb Please move or remove them before you can merge. Aborting Error: Failure while executing: git pull -q origin refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master


[20:40:21] $

brew upgrade failed, probably because the above problem left brew with

nothing installed.

[(init):?][lewy@LewyBook:~] [20:51:51] $ sudo brew doctor Password: Warning: Your XQuartz (2.7.4) is outdated Please install XQuartz 2.7.5: https://xquartz.macosforge.org

Warning: You have uncommitted modifications to Homebrew If this a surprise to you, then you should stash these modifications. Stashing returns Homebrew to a pristine state but can be undone should you later need to do so for some reason. cd /usr/local/Library && git stash && git clean -d -f

Warning: No developer tools installed. You should install the Command Line Tools. Run xcode-select --install to install them. Error: Failed to import: composer-requirement No available formula for composer-requirement Error: Failed to import: homebrew-php-requirement No available formula for homebrew-php-requirement Error: Failed to import: phar-building-requirement No available formula for phar-building-requirement Error: Failed to import: phar-requirement No available formula for phar-requirement Error: Failed to import: php-meta-requirement No available formula for php-meta-requirement


[20:53:55] $

deiga commented 10 years ago

In your case I would just recommend removing Homebrew altogether and reinstalling it, as it shouldn't need sudo and you've somehow gotten the git repo mixed up

MikeMcQuaid commented 10 years ago

sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local; cd /usr/local; git fetch; git reset --hard origin/master should fix your issues (but run it at your own risk).

asparagui commented 10 years ago

Looking through your stuff, it looks like you: a) installed mysql from a package from their server (?) b) somehow your homebrew directory is out of sync with git, there is something wrong there. What deiga said above, if you don't mind the wait then you should probably reset homebrew. Follow Mike's instructions above and let us know if that fixes anything. His commands will reset any changes you have made to homebrew (but it sounds like you do not want/need them).

asparagui commented 10 years ago

P.S. there's an irc channel on freenode, #machomebrew where you can ask questions as well.

adamv commented 10 years ago

Presuming fixed.