Closed vendion closed 9 years ago
Please run brew readall
and brew list
and paste your output here. Thanks!
Here is the output of brew readall
Error: problem in /usr/local/Library/Formula/extended-status-nginx-module.rb
invalid attribute: version (nil)
Here is the output of brew list
accept-language-nginx-module fancyindex-nginx-module icu4c ncmpcpp sdl
ack feh id3lib nettle sdl2
android-sdk ffmpeg imlib2 nginx-full sdl2_image
apple-gcc42 ffmpeg2theora inkscape openssl sdl_image
archey fftw irssi opus sl
aria2 flac isl opus-tools sntop
asciidoc fluid-synth jpeg opusfile source-highlight
aspell fontconfig lame ossp-uuid speedtest_cli
atk fping lastpass-cli p11-kit speex
atkmm freetype libao pango sqlite
atool gcc libcaca pangomm stow
auth-digest-nginx-module gdbm libevent par2 taglib
auto-keepalive-nginx-module gdk-pixbuf libexif pcre texi2html
autoconf gettext libffi pharcc theora
automake gh libid3tag php-session-nginx-module tig
bazaar ghc libmpc php55 tmux
bdw-gc gist libmpdclient php55-apcu tmux-mem-cpu-load
boost git libogg php55-intl toilet
boot2docker git-cal libpng php55-pdo-pgsql tree
cache-purge-nginx-module git-flow libsamplerate php55-xdebug two-lame
cairo glew libshout php55-xhprof unixodbc
cairomm glib libsigc++ phpmd upload-nginx-module
cd-discid glibmm libtasn1 pinentry upload-progress-nginx-module
cloog glm libtiff pixman vim
cmake gmp libtool pkg-config vimpager
coreutils gnu-getopt libvo-aacenc ponysay vorbis-tools
cowsay gnutls libvorbis ponysay-tool vorbisgain
cscope go-app-engine-64 libvpx ponythink webp
ctags gobject-introspection libyaml popt wget
curl google-perftools linode-cli postgresql x264
curl-ca-bundle gource little-cms pypy xmlto
dart gsl lua python xvid
docbook gtk+ macvim python3 xz
docbook-xsl gtkmm mariadb ranger yajl
docker harfbuzz markdown readline yasm
dos2unix haskell-platform mercurial reattach-to-user-namespace youtube-dl
doxygen healthcheck-nginx-module mod-zip-nginx-module ruby zlib
extended-status-nginx-module hicolor-icon-theme mpd ruby-build zsh
faac highlight mpfr ruby-install zsh-completions
faad2 htop-osx ncdu scons zsh-syntax-highlighting
Did not know about the readall command but seems like that pinpointed where the error is.
When trying to perform a brew upgrade or a brew doctor I get the following error: