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brew don't see updates #46582

Closed magefad closed 8 years ago

magefad commented 8 years ago

El Capitan For example - my virtualbox is 5.0.2, 5.0.10 in repository. Brew upgrade, update, cask update show me already up to date. Brew doctor also not showing errors.

But after run brew install virtualbox - brew downloaded latest version, such as in github formula file.

Now I see not updated osxfuse - https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Formula/osxfuse.rb

My version 2.8.1, updated - 2.8.2

What can I do to auto update packages, not manually install as in first example with virtualbox?

bfontaine commented 8 years ago

What does brew info osxfuse say?

magefad commented 8 years ago

osxfuse: stable 2.8.2, HEAD FUSE for OS X: extend native file handling via 3rd-party file systems https://osxfuse.github.io/ Not installed From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Formula/osxfuse.rb ==> Dependencies Build: autoconf ✔, automake ✘, libtool ✘, gettext ✔ ==> Caveats If upgrading from a previous version of osxfuse, the previous kernel extension will need to be unloaded before installing the new version. First, check that no FUSE-based file systems are running:

mount -t osxfusefs

Unmount all FUSE file systems and then unload the kernel extension:

sudo kextunload -b com.github.osxfuse.filesystems.osxfusefs

The new osxfuse file system bundle needs to be installed by the root user:

sudo /bin/cp -RfX /usr/local/opt/osxfuse/Library/Filesystems/osxfusefs.fs /Library/Filesystems/ sudo chmod +s /Library/Filesystems/osxfusefs.fs/Support/load_osxfusefs

brew cask list cleanmymac phpstorm sublime-text virtualbox web-sharing osxfuse

magefad commented 8 years ago

brew cask info osxfuse osxfuse: 2.8.2 OSXFUSE https://osxfuse.github.io/ Not installed https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/blob/master/Casks/osxfuse.rb ==> Contents Install OSXFUSE 2.8.pkg (pkg) ==> Caveats You must reboot for the installation of osxfuse to take effect.

DomT4 commented 8 years ago

The Cask doesn't really have an autoupdate mechanism at this point, as far as I'm aware. For Cask stuff that I know has an update I tend to do brew cask install xyz --force.

magefad commented 8 years ago

Hm. What if I reinstall using formula, not cask version? And why osfuse has two versions - cask and formula?

DomT4 commented 8 years ago

If there's a formula update you should just be able to brew update && brew upgrade osxfuse, for example.

osxfuse has a formula version and a Cask version because the formula version builds from source and consequently doesn't have a signed kext and won't run on anything above Mavericks. The osxfuse in the Caskroom is upstream's .pkg binary release, which includes a signed kext and consequently will run on all OS X versions.

MikeMcQuaid commented 8 years ago

What does brew upgrade osxfuse say?

DomT4 commented 8 years ago

Let us know if we can help further here, Thanks!