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emacs --cocoa --HEAD fails 'make bootstrap'; can't find 'pathmax.h' #8949

Closed tdeebswihart closed 12 years ago

tdeebswihart commented 12 years ago

Here's the gist of the installation attempt.

Brew doctor comes up clean, but building emacs fails every time with the first make error being

stat.c:50:22: error: pathmax.h: No such file or directory
make[3]: *** [stat.o] Error 1
make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

I've tried various other fixes for emacs including:

I'm not quite sure where to go from here, as googling about the missing pathmax.h hasn't turned up any results.

Thanks! -Tim

Sharpie commented 12 years ago

--HEAD builds are unstable by definition and there are no guarantees that they will always be in a working condition. Issues with these builds are also difficult to debug as the behavior of the software changes by the hour when new commits come in. This issue may get closed as we don't support --HEAD builds in general, but I will leave it open in case someone wanders by who knows about Emacs development.

The best people to ask about this issue would be the Emacs developers themselves.

adamv commented 12 years ago

--HEAD build worked for me 10 minutes ago on Snow Leopard, but yes, they are unstable.

tdeebswihart commented 12 years ago

Understandable; thank you for your time. I'll see what I can find from the devs themselves

fire commented 12 years ago

Is it possible for us to make a last stable homebrew option?

adamv commented 12 years ago

yes, we use --devel as the option for this; grep Formula for devel to see some examples.