HomebrewNLP / Olmax

HomebrewNLP in JAX flavour for maintable TPU-Training
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L1 LayerNorm #72

Closed ClashLuke closed 1 year ago

ClashLuke commented 1 year ago

Others have reported increased stability with L1-BatchNorm grafik so it might be worth a try for us as well

ClashLuke commented 1 year ago

I can't figure out custom grad. The current best attempt is

import typing

import jax
from jax import lax, numpy as jnp

from src.backend import get_param, promote_to, with_context
from src.constants import ParallelAxes
from src.context import Context
from src.model.activate import activate_forward, activate_grad

def prenorm(fn: typing.Callable[[Context, jnp.ndarray], jnp.ndarray]):
    def _fn(ctx: Context, inp: jnp.ndarray, *args) -> jnp.ndarray:
        ctx = ctx.add_to_prefix("prenorm")
        inp = scale_norm_act(ctx, inp, ctx.dims.features, act=False, init_mean=None)
        out = fn(ctx, inp, *args)
        return scale_norm_act(ctx, out, ctx.dims.features, act=False)

    return _fn

def norm_forward(ctx: Context, src: jnp.ndarray, wgt: typing.Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, psum: bool = False,
                 act: bool = True):
    run_type = jnp.promote_types(ctx.model.computation_dtype, jnp.float32)
    original_dtype = src.dtype
    src_fp64 = promote_to(src, run_type)
    if psum:
        src_fp64 = lax.psum(src_fp64, axis_name=ParallelAxes.model)
    mean = src_fp64.mean(-1, keepdims=True)
    mean_x = src_fp64 - mean
    std = lax.abs(mean_x).sum(-1, keepdims=True)
    norm_out = mean_x / std
    out = norm_out * wgt.reshape((1,) * (src.ndim - 1) + (-1,))
    if act:
        out = activate_forward(out)
    out = out.astype(original_dtype)
    return out, norm_out, std

def scale_norm_act(ctx: Context, inp: jnp.ndarray, feature_dim: int, weight: typing.Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None,
                   psum: bool = False, act: bool = True, init_mean: typing.Optional[float] = 1) -> jnp.ndarray:
    run_type = jnp.promote_types(ctx.model.computation_dtype, jnp.float32)
    if weight is None:
        if init_mean is None:
            # init to 0 if checkpoint so, new layers get learned slowly (-> rezero but input)
            # 1 otherwise to make sure model can learn
            init_mean = float(not bool(ctx.training.checkpoint_load_path))
        weight = get_param(ctx, "scale", [feature_dim], std=0, mean=init_mean, dtype=run_type,

    if ctx.is_initializing:
        return inp

    def _fn(src: jnp.ndarray, wgt: jnp.ndarray):
        original_dtype = src.dtype
        out, norm_out, std = norm_forward(ctx, src, wgt, psum, act)

        def _grad(dy: jnp.ndarray) -> typing.Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]:
            norm_out_fp64 = promote_to(norm_out, run_type)
            reshaped_weight = wgt.reshape((1,) * (src.ndim - 1) + (-1,))
            dy = promote_to(dy, run_type)
            if act:
                dy = dy * activate_grad(norm_out_fp64 * reshaped_weight)
            x = src
            d_wgt = (dy * norm_out_fp64).sum(list(range(src.ndim - 1))).reshape((-1,))

            x_mean = x - x.mean(-1, keepdims=True)
            x_mean_abs = lax.abs(x_mean)
            x_mean_abs_prod = (x_mean_abs / feature_dim).prod(-1, keepdims=True)
            x_mean_abs_size = x_mean_abs * feature_dim
            x_div = x_mean / x_mean_abs
            fac = (feature_dim - 1) * x_mean_abs_size.sum()
            fac += x_mean * ((x_mean_abs_prod * x_div).sum() + (x.size - 2) * x_div / feature_dim ** feature_dim)
            fac /= x_mean_abs.sum() ** 2
            dy = fac * reshaped_weight * dy
            if psum:
                dy = lax.psum(dy, axis_name=ParallelAxes.model)
            return dy.astype(original_dtype), d_wgt

        return out, _grad

    return _fn(inp, weight)

Based on WolframAlpha's calculated partial derivative: grafik

I am dropping the issue for now, as the expected gain is too low to spend more days on it.