Homegear / Homegear

Interface your smart home devices with your home automation software or your own control scripts.
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logging level ändern #347

Closed jipp closed 3 years ago

jipp commented 4 years ago


ich benutze das testing image:

homegear -v
Homegear version 0.7.46-3101
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Homegear GmbH

Required library versions:
  - libhomegear-base: 0.7.46-3101
  - libhomegear-node: 0.1.7-51
  - libhomegear-ipc:  0.1.2-40

PHP (License: PHP License):
This product includes PHP software, freely available from <http://www.php.net/software/>
Copyright (c) 1999-2020 The PHP Group. All rights reserved.

den log Level hab ich auf 2 geändert. ich sollte also keine warning, info, debug Messages mehr sehen (0=none, 1=critical, 2=error, 3=warning, 4=info, 5=debug, >5=more debug information)

influxdb.conf:debugLevel = 4
main.conf:debugLevel = 2
management.conf:debugLevel = 2
webssh.conf:debugLevel = 2

in den log Messages sehe ich aber immer noch info und debug messages. Hab ich an einer Stelle vergessen den Level zu ändern?

09/16/20 13:35:02.709 Loading settings from /etc/homegear/main.conf
09/16/20 13:35:02.713 Loading RPC server settings from /etc/homegear/rpcservers.conf
09/16/20 13:35:02.714 Loading RPC client settings from /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf
09/16/20 13:35:02.715 Debug: hostname of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to myhostname
09/16/20 13:35:02.715 Debug: caFile of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to /path/to/ca-certficate
09/16/20 13:35:02.715 Debug: verifyCertificate of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to 1
09/16/20 13:35:02.715 Debug: forceSSL of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to 0
09/16/20 13:35:02.715 Debug: authType of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to 1
09/16/20 13:35:02.715 Debug: userName of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to myuser
09/16/20 13:35:02.715 Debug: password of RPC client ExampleClient1 was set.
09/16/20 13:35:02.715 Debug: certFile of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to /path/to/client.crt
09/16/20 13:35:02.715 Debug: keyFile of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to /path/to/client.key
09/16/20 13:35:02.715 Debug: retries of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to 3
09/16/20 13:35:02.715 Debug: timeout of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to 15000000
09/16/20 13:35:02.716 Debug: hostname of RPC client ExampleClient2 set to
09/16/20 13:35:02.716 Debug: retries of RPC client ExampleClient2 set to 5
09/16/20 13:35:02.716 Debug: timeout of RPC client ExampleClient2 set to 30000000
09/16/20 13:35:02.716 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.
09/16/20 13:35:02.717 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295".
09/16/20 13:35:02.717 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "0" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.
09/16/20 13:35:02.717 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "0".
09/16/20 13:35:06.973 Loading device 2
09/16/20 13:35:06.973 Module Miscellaneous: Loading Miscellaneous peer 13
09/16/20 13:35:06.977 Module Miscellaneous: Loading Miscellaneous peer 14
09/16/20 13:35:06.980 Initializing RPC client...
09/16/20 13:35:06.980 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on :::2001...
09/16/20 13:35:07.021 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer2 listening on :::2002, SSL enabled...
09/16/20 13:35:07.282 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer3 listening on :::2003, SSL enabled, authentication enabled...
09/16/20 13:35:07.544 Initializing event handler...
09/16/20 13:35:07.545 Loading events...
09/16/20 13:35:07.545 Start listening for packets...
09/16/20 13:35:07.644 Starting Homegear Management...
09/16/20 13:35:07.646 Starting Homegear WebSSH...
09/16/20 13:35:07.647 Service disabled in influxdb.conf. Exiting.
09/16/20 13:35:07.654 Startup complete.
09/16/20 13:35:07.659 Warning: Can't invoke method ptyOutput as there is no open IPC connection.
09/16/20 13:35:07.660 Error: Could not call ptyOutput: Unknown application error.
09/16/20 13:35:07.761 Warning: Can't invoke method ptyOutput as there is no open IPC connection.
09/16/20 13:35:07.761 Error: Could not call ptyOutput: Unknown application error.
09/16/20 13:35:09.656 Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory
09/16/20 13:35:11.089 Startup complete.
09/16/20 13:35:11.657 Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory
09/16/20 13:35:13.090 Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory
09/16/20 13:35:15.091 Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory
09/16/20 13:35:23.658 Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory
09/16/20 13:35:27.026 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "Serial1": Error: No response received to packet: FE012F060028
09/16/20 13:35:27.026 Starting IPC server...
09/16/20 13:35:27.036 Starting Node-BLUE server...
09/16/20 13:35:27.051 Info: Backing up flows file...
09/16/20 13:35:27.106 Debug: Ignoring disabled node: 416ca2f6.773ccc
09/16/20 13:35:28.145 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 1000 and group with id 1000.
09/16/20 13:35:28.146 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295".
09/16/20 13:35:28.146 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "0" for user with id 1000 and group with id 1000.
09/16/20 13:35:28.146 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "0".
09/16/20 13:35:28.146 Debug: Loading licensing modules
09/16/20 13:35:28.147 Info: Loading licensing module mod_easy_licensing.so
09/16/20 13:35:28.226 Info: Loading variable-out.so for node d9a23699.b563b8
09/16/20 13:35:28.228 Info: Loading variable-out.so for node 8cf68cbf.2b9de
09/16/20 13:35:28.228 Info: Loading variable-in.so for node 4456d94.9c69228
09/16/20 13:35:28.230 Info: Loading variable-out.so for node 6308b06d.5538f
09/16/20 13:35:28.230 Info: Loading toggle.so for node 3011ee3c.b8a542
09/16/20 13:35:28.232 Info: Loading variable-in.so for node b9c581f6.61c9
09/16/20 13:35:28.232 Info: Loading variable-in.so for node f01292ab.33f02
09/16/20 13:35:28.232 Info: Loading variable-in.so for node e693ba25.a1eaa8
09/16/20 13:35:28.233 Info: Loading variable-in.so for node 3d87ce87.94dd62
09/16/20 13:35:28.233 Info: Loading toggle.so for node 1993724b.37ecae
09/16/20 13:35:28.233 Info: Loading toggle.so for node f128f274.7816b
09/16/20 13:35:28.234 Info: Loading toggle.so for node 72d989f3.e82a48
09/16/20 13:35:28.234 Info: Loading toggle.so for node b1ab4b25.98ec58
09/16/20 13:35:28.234 Info: Loading variable-in.so for node 98070fba.cde6d
09/16/20 13:35:28.234 Info: Loading variable-in.so for node f682712a.294f3
09/16/20 13:35:28.235 Info: Loading node function.php
09/16/20 13:35:28.235 Info: Loading variable-out.so for node 66acc1b8.a5874
09/16/20 13:35:28.235 Info: Loading toggle.so for node bb65a397.30dd4
09/16/20 13:35:28.236 Info: Loading variable-in.so for node 32f76393.c88f4c
09/16/20 13:35:28.236 Info: Loading variable-in.so for node d226e335.c5431
09/16/20 13:35:28.236 Info: Loading toggle.so for node ca39dd1a.574f9
09/16/20 13:35:28.238 Info: Loading mqtt-broker.so for node 58c601d9.54453
09/16/20 13:35:28.245 Info: Loading constant.so for node 34c8c2fe.03359e
09/16/20 13:35:28.247 Info: Loading constant.so for node b4c38abb.446c38
09/16/20 13:35:28.247 Info: Loading debug.so for node fe909275.77c6
09/16/20 13:35:28.248 Info: Loading and.so for node 3d9de439.270aec
09/16/20 13:35:28.251 Info: Loading not.so for node 55bd85ef.264fbc
09/16/20 13:35:28.253 Info: Loading timer.so for node 818689d3.cc31a8
09/16/20 13:35:28.257 Info: Loading light.so for node d30420e3.ffc2c
09/16/20 13:35:28.259 Info: Loading node function.php
09/16/20 13:35:28.259 Info: Loading timer.so for node 236b9b3f.bde654
09/16/20 13:35:28.267 Info: Loading light.so for node 41e11dbf.de39f4
09/16/20 13:35:28.267 Info: Loading off-delay.so for node df1dfdcb.39b7e
09/16/20 13:35:28.269 Info: Loading off-delay.so for node 7bfd2895.26cbb8
09/16/20 13:35:28.269 Info: Loading timer.so for node 404dc31a.26404c
09/16/20 13:35:28.272 Info: Loading light.so for node 71e1973c.27e2b8
09/16/20 13:35:28.272 Info: Loading light.so for node 34cb2d55.3a3962
09/16/20 13:35:28.273 Info: Loading timer.so for node 51327663.268498
09/16/20 13:35:28.275 Info: Loading timer.so for node 358b9a2c.ad9ff6
09/16/20 13:35:28.278 Info: Loading off-delay.so for node bd1f754e.0e05b8
09/16/20 13:35:28.278 Info: Loading light.so for node 6fec7704.561958
09/16/20 13:35:28.278 Info: Loading off-delay.so for node b48a21de.27397
09/16/20 13:35:28.278 Info: Loading timer.so for node 2ac101a7.55c15e
09/16/20 13:35:28.281 Info: Loading light.so for node 4d0b1d98.c8c264
09/16/20 13:35:28.281 Info: Loading off-delay.so for node 4ac89c5a.ba9e74
09/16/20 13:35:28.285 Info: Loading debug.so for node 9a778d08.882da
09/16/20 13:35:28.285 Info: Loading variable-in.so for node 835fae3d.cc626
09/16/20 13:35:28.286 Info: Loading constant.so for node e54e1799.ac6008
09/16/20 13:35:28.286 Info: Loading http-request.so for node b4e1430b.1f9bc
09/16/20 13:35:28.288 Info: Loading mqtt-out.so for node 6ba0c874.b3c748
09/16/20 13:35:28.289 Info: Loading json.so for node 9d397ebe.988b4
09/16/20 13:35:28.290 Info: Loading clock.so for node c2e28298.5551b
09/16/20 13:35:28.292 Info: Loading file.so for node c17f54.0600d0b
09/16/20 13:35:28.297 Info: Loading switch.so for node 7b000ff6.a781f
09/16/20 13:35:28.303 Info: Loading light.so for node 4ce57f6.1ab0d8
09/16/20 13:35:28.303 Info: Loading timer.so for node 1ea13954.5daf87
09/16/20 13:35:28.306 Info: Loading file.so for node 220e45f0.0c423a
09/16/20 13:35:28.306 Info: Loading light.so for node efd94b58.20b9f8
09/16/20 13:35:28.306 Info: Loading constant.so for node 39b662c2.36523e
09/16/20 13:35:28.307 Info: Loading json.so for node c7e7206d.766e9
09/16/20 13:35:28.307 Info: Loading constant.so for node c7f7f5b8.d7c688
09/16/20 13:35:28.307 Info: Loading node function.php
09/16/20 13:35:28.307 Info: Loading mqtt-in.so for node 2e88065c.43b73a
09/16/20 13:35:28.309 Info: Loading passthrough.so for node ae990889.dfee88
09/16/20 13:35:28.314 Info: Loading variable-in.so for node 8f44b6b7.e7c328
09/16/20 13:35:28.315 Info: Loading mqtt-out.so for node b7cc72ca.5d6ad
09/16/20 13:35:28.315 Info: Loading toggle.so for node 282302c7.3ded8e
09/16/20 13:35:28.316 Info: Loading constant.so for node fcdc5df6.4718b
09/16/20 13:35:28.369 Starting variable profile manager...
09/16/20 13:35:28.378 Startup complete. Waiting for physical interfaces to connect.
09/16/20 13:35:28.378 All physical interfaces are connected now.
09/16/20 13:35:28.378 Starting UPnP server...
09/16/20 13:35:29.490 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 1000 and group with id 1000.
09/16/20 13:35:29.491 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295".
09/16/20 13:35:29.491 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "0" for user with id 1000 and group with id 1000.
09/16/20 13:35:29.491 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "0".
09/16/20 13:35:29.492 Debug: Loading licensing modules
09/16/20 13:35:29.493 Info: Loading licensing module mod_easy_licensing.so
09/16/20 13:35:29.618 Info: Starting PHP script of peer 13.
hfedcba commented 3 years ago

Hallo @jipp,

Standardloglevel ist 3 - wenn kein Konfigurationseintrag existiert. Es muss also in der main.conf irgendwo debugLevel = 5 stehen. Die beschriebenen Stellen passen. Für Homegear selbst ist nur die main.conf relevant.

Mögliche Fehlerursachen:

Falls das alles nicht zutrifft, schildere mir vielleicht einmal den Aufbau deiner Installation, dann versuchen wir das bei uns zu reproduzieren.

Viele Grüße


jipp commented 3 years ago


in der main.conf steht folgendes:

grep -i debuglevel main.conf
debugLevel = 2

soweit ist dies die einzige main.conf. Homegear wurde inzwischen auf das neue test image upgedated:

docker exec -it homegear homegear -v
Homegear version 0.7.48-3324
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Homegear GmbH

Required library versions:
  - libhomegear-base: 0.7.48-3324
  - libhomegear-node: 0.1.7-52
  - libhomegear-ipc:  0.1.2-41

PHP (License: PHP License):
This product includes PHP software, freely available from <http://www.php.net/software/>
Copyright (c) 1999-2020 The PHP Group. All rights reserved.

soweit ich mich erinnere hab ich die debug level nicht über die cli geändert. (werden diese nach einem Neustart neu gesetzt?)

ich würde beim starten erwarten das im log nur critical und error Meldungen auftauchen. ich sehe aber auch info Meldungen.


10/25/20 12:24:29.328 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.
10/25/20 12:24:29.328 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295".
10/25/20 12:24:29.328 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "0" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.
10/25/20 12:24:29.328 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "0".

wenn ich den debug level auf 4 (default) ändere, werden wesentlich mehr Meldungen angezeigt.

vielleicht verstehe ich auch nur den Tag info und debug in den Meldungen falsch.und es handelt sich um Meldungen die nicht von den debug level gesteuert werden.

hfedcba commented 3 years ago

vielleicht verstehe ich auch nur den Tag info und debug in den Meldungen falsch.und es handelt sich um Meldungen die nicht von den debug level gesteuert werden.

Genau, diese Meldungen wurden zum Teil vom Debuglevel nicht beeinflusst. Ich habe das "Info:" jetzt auch mal entfernt. Kommen denn noch Info-Meldungen im laufenden Betrieb?

jipp commented 3 years ago

nach dem Start verhält sich alles so wie es soll.

hfedcba commented 3 years ago

ok, super! Dann schließe ich das Ticket.