Adapter CHecker reported the following erros / warning for 2.6.0.
Please consider fixing them for the next release:
[E518] "@alcalzone/release-script" is used, but ".releaseconfig.json" not found
[W513] "gulpfile.js" found in repo! Think about migrating to @iobroker/adapter-dev package
[W505] setTimeout found in "main.js", but no clearTimeout detected
Adapter CHecker reported the following erros / warning for 2.6.0. Please consider fixing them for the next release:
[E518] "@alcalzone/release-script" is used, but ".releaseconfig.json" not found [W513] "gulpfile.js" found in repo! Think about migrating to @iobroker/adapter-dev package [W505] setTimeout found in "main.js", but no clearTimeout detected