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Dynamis - Jeuno NMs and Megaboss not able to be spawned #488

Closed Draxxus82 closed 3 years ago

Draxxus82 commented 3 years ago

Date & Time: 1/18/2021 2:15PM et

Client Version (use /ver in game): 30191204_1

Character Name: Draxxus

Discord Name (if different from in game): hauteclair

Nation: Windy

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): 99pld/49dnc

NPC or Monster or item Name: Dynamis - Jeuno Nms

Zone name: Jeuno

Coordinates (use !where):

Item tool link (for items issues only):

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): No

Steps to reproduce: Enter Dynamis Jeuno

Any additional information: I have gone in several times to get dynamis jeuno for the win, the nms for the boss drop do not spawn. The statues for the nms are not able to be located either. The ??? near upper jueno is missing as well.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

All of the NMs in Jeuno are set to be lottery spawns in the mob_groups.sql file. There are no mobs that are coded to spawn the NMs as a lottery spawn instead of a respawn of the placeholder mob or to even spawn the NM when a certain mob is aggroed (like how it used to be in old school dyna). Also, the mobs that would spawn the NMs are also coded to not be spawned into the zone upon chara entry.

This basically equates the NMs not existing in the basecode as it currently is (hence their absence and the absence of the mobs that would have spawned them under the old school dyna). Also, the pop item (Roving Bijou) for the megaboss isn't coded to drop from any of the 33 NMs that have the pop item listed as a drop according to FFXIDB.

Lastly, the ??? that the pop item would be traded to currently has a value of 4 for Status in the npc_list.sql file. This value equates out to a status type of DISAPPEAR (aka hidden). This is why the ??? itself also isn't where it should be.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Until the above issues are resolved, to allow players to progress thru all of the city dynamis zones (including Jeuno), I will force spawn the following 11 9 Jeuno NMs, which a chara must kill in order for me to then force spawn the megaboss (Goblin Golem, Mob ID 17547265) of Dynamis - Jeuno. (EDIT: Reduced number of req. NMs from 11 to 9 to allow for more time. These 11 9 mobs are as follows:

Bandrix Rockjaw (MobID 17547356) Buffrix Eargone (MobID 17547377) Cloktix Longnail (MobID 17547294) Lurklox Dhalmelneck (MobID 17547395) Wyrmwix Snakespecs (MobID 17547312) Karashix Swollenskull (MobID 17547424) Kikklix Longlegs (MobID 17547402) Rutrix Hamgams (MobID 17547454) Mobpix Mucousmouth (MobID 17547474)

The death messages of each of these NMs need to be screenshotted and the screenshots need to be pasted onto this ticket before I will then force spawn the megaboss.

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

Draxxus82 commented 3 years ago


EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Good work! Spawned the megaboss, good luck!

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@Draxxus82 In your opinion, how did it go with those 11 NMs? Was it enough of a challenge? How spread out were they in the zone?

Draxxus82 commented 3 years ago

The NMs were spread out fairly decent minus 2 sets, the 2 at the top of the stairs and the 2 coming up from the fountain. From a challenge standpoint, I think it will depend on job and numbers, if it's only 1 person on say a non-aoe/non-high offence, I could see where they could struggle, Even with help (total 2 people) In several cases 1 or both of us came close to dying due to links and random 2 hours. I think the links are the hardest part, fight an nm and also fight the 10+ mobs depending on where it is being pulled from. Normally you could clear the trash and pop the nm so you are just fighting him. I think everyone will struggle minus 99 blue or really geared out people. I would have expected about 6 deaths based on the damage I was taking.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the information! I'll look into maybe eliminating some of the NMs from the requirement, especially in heavily congested areas.

Draxxus82 commented 3 years ago

Need NM spawns for dynamis Jeuno

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Enter and I'll spawn them.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

9 NMs listed in ticket are spawned now, good luck! Do the death screenshots and paste them here and I'll then forcespawn the boss

Draxxus82 commented 3 years ago

image image image image image

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

4 more needed!

Draxxus82 commented 3 years ago

Accidentally hit the comment button when I went to paste the screenshot.

Draxxus82 commented 3 years ago

image image image image

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Good job! I'll spawn it when you are near the spawn point.

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Pasting on behalf of Albian and his charas:

image image unknown (1) unknown (2) unknown

Forced spawned the megaboss and KI was obtained on all characters.

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

Warleaf commented 3 years ago

Looking to get my KI from Jeuno and would need the NMs force spawned, please.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@Warleaf, I'm currently around an hour or so away from home, I can force spawn the NMs for you when I get back. After you've killed all of them and pasted the death messages on this ticket, I'll force spawn the zone boss for you.

Warleaf commented 3 years ago

Jeuno Proof Think this covers it.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Congrats on the Dyna Jeuno clear, Warleaf!

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

kpinoy commented 3 years ago

Need to have NMs spawned in Dynamis - Jeuno for Nix.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@kpinoy KK, enter the zone and I'll spawn the above 9 NMs for you. Please screenshot the death messages of the 9 and paste them here. I'll then force-spawn the boss for you to defeat.

kpinoy commented 3 years ago

Screen shots of defeated NMs below:

IMG_8917 IMG_8918 IMG_8919 IMG_8921 IMG_8924 IMG_8925 IMG_8926 IMG_8927 IMG_8928

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Good job, @kpinoy! I'll force-spawn the boss for you tomorrow whenever you are ready.

tuing commented 3 years ago

need KI of Dyna Jeuno for Minimey and Higuchi which require to kill several NM which not spawning normally

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@tuing Let me know when you are doing to enter Dynamis - Jeuno and I'll force-spawn the NMs.

tuing commented 3 years ago

Meyrink_2021 04 12_023354 Meyrink_2021 04 12_023716 Meyrink_2021 04 12_023953 Meyrink_2021 04 12_024151 Meyrink_2021 04 12_024434 Meyrink_2021 04 12_024820 Meyrink_2021 04 12_025230 Meyrink_2021 04 12_025732 Meyrink_2021 04 12_030155

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Force-spawned boss for player and character (Higuchi) obtained KI for dyna clear upon death of boss.

tuing commented 3 years ago

Meyrink_2021 04 12_031055 Meyrink_2021 04 12_031238 Meyrink_2021 04 12_031647 Meyrink_2021 04 12_031719 Meyrink_2021 04 12_032305 Meyrink_2021 04 12_032513 Meyrink_2021 04 12_032633 Meyrink_2021 04 12_032859 Meyrink_2021 04 12_033135

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Force-spawned boss for player and character (Mimimey) obtained KI for dyna clear upon death of boss. Grats on your Dynamis - Jeuno clears, @tuing!

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

Shoruto commented 3 years ago

Ready for NM spawns. Characters Sporky and Nyaan.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

NMs have been force-spawned, please screenshot the death messages and paste them here. I'll force-spawn the boss once they are pasted. @Shoruto

Shoruto commented 3 years ago

All 9 NM's have been defeated.

Karashix Kikklix Lurklox Rutrix Sporky_2021 03 26_125123 Wyrmrix Bandrix Buffrix Cloktix Sporky_2021 04 16_152653

Shoruto commented 3 years ago

Forgot to post the 9th lol just did,

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Good job, @Shoruto! Spawning boss when you indicate you are ready.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Boss force-spawned and successfully defeated. Congrats on clearing Dynamis Jeuno, @Shoruto!!!

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Boss force-spawned and successfully defeated by @kpinoy. Congrats on clearing Dynamis Jeuno!!

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

KaizerZitro commented 3 years ago

Need Dyna-Jeuno clearance for myself (Kaizer) and Luise

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Sec, I'll force-spawn the required NMs in a moment.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

NMs force-spawned. Please paste the death messages of them to this ticket. I will force-spawn the boss once they are.

KaizerZitro commented 3 years ago

IMG_20210428_161622538 IMG_20210428_155445402 IMG_20210428_155614393 IMG_20210428_160007788 IMG_20210428_160020456 IMG_20210428_160308725 IMG_20210428_160647345 IMG_20210428_161222783 IMG_20210428_161301496

tuing commented 3 years ago

Meyrink_2021 04 29_044728 - Copy

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Good job! I'll force-spawn the boss at your ready.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Force-spawned boss which was subsequently defeated. All characters that needed the KI indicating that they cleared the zone received it automatically upon death of the boss. Congrats and welcome to Dynamis - Beaucedine~~

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Fixed in update on 04/29/2021. Closing ticket.