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Dynamis - Xarcabard - Animated Weapon NMs and Vanguard Dragon pops #490

Closed Draxxus82 closed 3 years ago

Draxxus82 commented 3 years ago

Date & Time: 1/19/2021 5:30 PM

Client Version (use /ver in game): 30191204_1

Character Name: Draxxus

Discord Name (if different from in game): hauteclair

Nation: Windy

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): 99pld/49dnc

NPC or Monster or item Name:

Zone name: Dynamis - Xarcabard

Coordinates (use !where):

Item tool link (for items issues only): Supernal_Fragment Shard of necropsyche

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on the same connection): no

Steps to reproduce:

Any additional information: The eyes are not at the towers like normal. the weapons are roaming around, but no sign of animated weapons. The satellight weapons do not show having pop item in drop list. Need help on how to weapons to spawn for fragment.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Ah yes, more messed up Neo Dynamis thanks to being incomplete on the DSP basecode when we did the version update!!!

You are correct that the satellite weapons don't have the pop item coded in their drop lists that are now used to force spawn the animated weapon of the same type.

Since there is so much fun that the workarounds for all of the prior Dynamis zones provided, especially Dynamis - Jeuno and Dynamis - Beaucedine, until the above issue with the satellite weapons is resolved, in order for me to force spawn the relevant Animated Weapon of the same type, the following is the requirement:

Locate and defeat all 6 of the Satellite Weapons of the same type as the Animated Weapon. Please screenshot the death messages of the Satellite Weapons and paste the screenshots here. I will then force spawn the relevant Animated Weapon of that type.

The Item Tool shows the Necropsyche correctly dropping from the Vanguard Dragons on the ramps near the zone to where Castle Z is. Best of luck obtaining the Necropsyche from them!

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Just force spawned and killed the Animated Shield to ensure that it would drop the relevant fragment (was concerned that the drop is limited like how it used to be with old school dynamis where the Animated Weapons wouldn't drop the fragment unless all 15 of the Kindred NMs are first defeated).

Draxxus82 commented 3 years ago

image image image image image

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Good work on defeating all 6, I could barely make out the text for the 5th one hidden behind the text of the 4th one, lol. I'm waiting at the pop spot of the relevate Animated Weapon, I'll spawn it when you are there.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

And for whatever reason, the Vanguard Dragons are set in the database to be scripted spawns but there are no other mobs in the zone that are scripted to spawn them. Because of this, I will force spawn all of the Vanguard Dragons (Mob IDs 17330507 thru 17330512, 17330519 thru 17330521, 17330528 thru 17330530).

Draxxus82 commented 3 years ago

I was able to get both items. For the first one animated nm I liked the path of killing the shields then getting the nm, with links it was not a bad fight. got a few adds when we popped the nm. On the dragons, they had to be popped, was able to get the item on my 1st or second kill I linked 2

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

All good to know, thanks for being patient and helpful in all these!

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Nevion Today at 12:45 PM can I get some help popping Vanguard Dragon pleeeeeeeeeeeease?

Epic🚀👖Taru/Gathin/Ancillam Today at 12:46 PM yeah, sec, they aren't set to spawn on zone load atm

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

Dankykong commented 3 years ago

Hoping to get the last couple items for relic shield please Shield1 Shield2 Shield3 Shield4 Shield5 Shield6

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago


Force-spawned the Animated Spears for Albian, congrats on your drop!!!

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Force spawned Animated Shield for Dankykong (Vixxen IGN), congrats on your drop!

Dankykong commented 3 years ago

Thank you! I need to get a necroscythe too please

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

KK, I'll force-spawn those right now as well, they'll be up by the time you get to where they are at normally.

Dankykong commented 3 years ago

Mission complete! Thank you!

Dankykong commented 3 years ago

Back at it again with the relics! sword1 sword2 sword 6 sword 5 sword 4 sword 3

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@Dankykong Good job, I'll force spawn the Animated Longsword whenever you are ready, just lemme know in game.

Dankykong commented 3 years ago

Got it, thank you!

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago


Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

Naibla commented 3 years ago


EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@Naibla please let me know when you are ready for me to force-spawn the Animated Shield

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Force spawned Animated Shield for Naibla (Albian IGN), congrats on your drop!

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

tuing commented 3 years ago

01 02 03 04 05 06

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@tuing Good job! My GM chara is waiting at the location the Animated Kunai will be force-spawned at. Please /tell me in game when you are ready for me to spawn it.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Force spawned Animated Kunai for Tuing (Meyrink IGN), congrats on your drop!

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

tuing commented 3 years ago

Meyrink_2021 04 13_032411 Meyrink_2021 04 13_032124 Meyrink_2021 04 13_032146 Meyrink_2021 04 13_032220 Meyrink_2021 04 13_032321 Meyrink_2021 04 13_032343

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@tuing Good job! I'll force-spawn the Animated Horn at your ready.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Animated Horn force-spawned and character obtained the desired fragment. Grats!

Albian-HomepointXI commented 3 years ago


EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@Albian-HomepointXI Good job, ready to force-spawn the Animated Horn at your ready. Let me know here on this ticket or in game.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Force-spawned Animated Horn (Mob ID 17330213) and player obtained desired Fragment. Congrats @Albian-HomepointXI!

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

Shoruto commented 3 years ago

Ready for Animated Hammer :)

Satellite Hammer Satellite Hammer2 Satellite Hammer3 Satellite Hammer4 Satellite Hammer5 Satellite Hammer6

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@Shoruto Good job hammering out those kills!!! I'm ready to force-spawn the Animated Hammer mob at your ready. Please let me know here on this ticket or in game when you are.

Shoruto commented 3 years ago

I am taking a break, I'll be back around 5:30pm eastern.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Understood, look me up around that time and we'll put a nail in the coffin of this for you.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Animated Hammer (Mob ID 17330209) force-spawned and subsequently defeated. Player obtained the desired fragment. Congrats on the successful defeat, @Shoruto!!!

Leaving this issue open for any other player that also encounters this.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Fixed in update on 04/29/2021. Closing ticket.