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Unable to make the party go to the same BC for mission 5-2 #502

Closed tuing closed 2 years ago

tuing commented 3 years ago

Date & Time: 04/08/2021 @ 05:45 PM

Client Version (use /ver in game): 30191204_1

Character Name: Minimey Higuchi

Discord Name (if different from in game): Meyrink

Nation: Sandoria Sandoria

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): 99 WHM/49 RDM 99 BRD/ 39 WHM

NPC or Monster or item Name: Shadow Lord

Zone name: Throne Room

Coordinates (use !where): X:-441 Y:-167 Z: -240 (124)

Item tool link (for items issues only): n/a

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): Yes

Steps to reproduce: Starting the BC fight for mission 5-2 Sandoria, the initiator teleported to the room with Shadow Lord as usual. The other party member who follows teleported to the BC without the Shadow Lord, followed with message: "You cannot enter the battlefield at present. Please wait a little longer."

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

This issue is present with a few BCNM/Instance zones currently. BCNM/Instance zones that experience this issue found so far are: Throne Room, Full Moon Fountain, Celestial Nexus, Sealion's Den. Not all BCNMs/Instances in these zones experience this. Cause of the issue is still under investigation. In the meantime, only workaround is to !bring characters to the battlefield that has the mob(s) present in it. The characters that are !brought won't automatically get credit for a successful win in the battlefield, necessitating the need for manual setting of variables to reflect wins.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@tuing, please let me know when all characters are online and ready to start the fight. I'll watch the fight with my GM and force spawn any mobs that need to be force spawned/adjust variables after a successful win to reflect the win on all involved characters.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

When fight is done, please screenshot the death message of the mob and paste the screenshot onto this ticket, @tuing

tuing commented 3 years ago

Meyrink_2021 04 09_014856 - Copy

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Verified that for all characters that needed the win status reflected (so that they can proceed on with the remaining steps in the rank mission) that the following occurred:

Added RoZ mission THE_NEW_FRONTIER (!addmission 3 0)

Added key item SHADOW_FRAGMENT (!addkeyitem 74)

Verified that variable MissionStatus is showing a value of 4 or update it to reflect that (!setplayervar MissionStatus 4)

Leaving this issue open for any other players that experience this issue with this event or any other BCNM/Instanced events.

Vorpall commented 3 years ago

Date & Time: 21/04/2021 5:30

Client Version (use /ver in game):


Character Name:


Discord Name (if different from in game): Vorpal

Nation: Sandoria

Job(level)/Sub Job(level):


NPC or Monster or item Name:

shadow lord

Zone name:

Throne Room

Coordinates (use !where):

X:-441 Y:-167 Z: -240 (124)

Item tool link (for items issues only):


Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection):


Steps to reproduce: Starting the BC fight for mission 5-2 Sandoria, the initiator teleported to the room with Shadow Lord as usual. The other party member who follows teleported to the BC without the Shadow Lord, followed with message: "You cannot enter the battlefield at present. Please wait a little longer."

Any additional information:

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@Vorpall Please start the battle again and let me know here on this ticket or in game if the issue presents itself again.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Since Vorpal initiated the battle, his character was placed on the battlefield with the mob. Meyrink, who was present to assist but didn't need the win, was sent to a separate battlefield without the mob. !bring was used to pull Meyrink to the battlefield with the mob so that they could assist with the battle, which was successfully won.

Since Vorpal initiated the battle, the ending CS played correctly for him and the variables related to the battle win updated successfully without needing any intervention.

Keeping this issue open for any other players that may also encounter it.

tuing commented 3 years ago

Date & Time: 04/27/2021 @ 01:15 AM

Client Version (use /ver in game): 30191204_1

Character Name: Luise

Discord Name (if different from in game): Meyrink

Nation: Sandoria

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): 70 BLU/ 34 RDM

NPC or Monster or item Name: Shadow Lord

Zone name: Throne Room

Coordinates (use !where): X:-441 Y:-167 Z: -240 (124)

Item tool link (for items issues only): n/a

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): Yes

Steps to reproduce: Starting the BC fight for mission 5-2 Sandoria, the initiator teleported to the room with Shadow Lord as usual. The other party member who follows teleported to the BC without the Shadow Lord, followed with message: "You cannot enter the battlefield at present. Please wait a little longer."

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Was already talking with @tuing in game about a different topic so just directed him in game to start the battle and let me know when all participating charas are in. Since Luise started the battle, they were placed on the battlefield with the mob but Meyrink (assisting) was not. !bring was used to pull Meyrink to the battlefield with the mob. The mob was successfully defeated and the ending CS correctly triggered for Luise. No adjustment of variable for the character was necessary.

Keeping this issue open for any other players that may also encounter it.

BasslineTRT commented 3 years ago

Party is unable to enter BCSM for mission 5-2

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@BasslineTRT Please start the battle and have all party members enter it, please let me know in-game or via DM when all are in the battlefield.

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

@BasslineTRT please also respond here with the names of party members as well as your client version.

BasslineTRT commented 3 years ago

djsnowfang and Meashon

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Need client version too, @BasslineTRT

BasslineTRT commented 3 years ago

30191204_1 for the client version

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

kk, thank you, please let me know when all party members are in the battlefield

BasslineTRT commented 3 years ago

In the battlefield now

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Please capture the death message of the mob in case it's needed, @BasslineTRT.

BasslineTRT commented 3 years ago

Getting the victory cut Scene right now

EpicTaru commented 3 years ago

Excellent, no need to post the death message, congrats on the win!

Keeping this issue open for any other players that may also encounter it.

BasslineTRT commented 3 years ago

Thank you again for your help. I really appreciate it Epic.

Heepster03 commented 3 years ago

will be fixed in next update!

lilaevyn commented 2 years ago

Having problems with 5-2 fight as well. My character: Aevyn With Warleaf and EpicTaru

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

KK, sec, I'll pull them to the battlefield you are on, @lilaevyn

Heepster03 commented 2 years ago

This will be fully resolved in the update

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

Congrats on the win, @lilaevyn!

Keeping this issue open for any other players that may also encounter it.

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

This issue was resolved in yesterday's maintenance. Please open a new ticket should this issue re-occur.