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Bastok Mission 9-2 CS crashing. #588

Closed djsnowfang closed 2 years ago

djsnowfang commented 2 years ago

Date & Time: 1/14/22

Client Version (use /ver in game): 30191204_1

Character Name: djsnowfang

Discord Name (if different from in game):

Nation: Bastok

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): drg99/sam49

NPC or Monster or item Name: Iron eater

Zone name: metalwork's

Coordinates (use !where):

Item tool link (for items issues only):

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): no

Steps to reproduce: Rank 10 ending CS

Any additional information: crashes on specific scene.

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

@djsnowfang What addons/plugins are loaded? Tried the CS without any addons/plugins loaded?

djsnowfang commented 2 years ago

windowerinput, addons, screenshot, distance, FPS, timestamp, tparty. Unloaded addons still crashed.

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

Are you running at an FPS other than default (30FPS)?

djsnowfang commented 2 years ago

no, FPS is 30

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

Let me know when you are next in-game.

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

Unsure why the Rank 9-2 completion CS is giving issues, CS played correctly for me less than an hour before player reported this issue.

Checked player's MissionStatus variable to verify completion of Rank 9-2 mission then performed the following:

Set value of MissionStatus variable to 0. Gave player Bastokan Flag (Item ID 182). Completed Bastok Mission 9-2. Traded 200,000 gil to player (as I am unable to use the !givegil command).

I am unable to use the !setrank command to set player's rank to 10. @Heepster03 or @Jessland86, that's for you to do.

Congrats on Rank 10, @djsnowfang!!!

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

Requested that player attempt to complete this mission again since they reinstalled FFXI earlier to resolve a different issue they had.

I had to re-add Bastok Mission 9-2 to their current missions list. I had to set the value of the MissionStatus variable to 2.

I then asked the player to interact with NPC Iron Eater again and see what happens.

djsnowfang commented 2 years ago

A full reinstall of FFXI has fixed the issue with the CS cuting out. I have got rank 10 now.