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Perpetual black screen after defeating mobs in ToAU 31 (Shades of Vengeance) WORKAROUND in Notes #591

Closed EpicTaru closed 1 year ago

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

Date & Time: 01/20/2022 @ 1045

Client Version (use /ver in game): 30191204_1

Character Name:

Discord Name (if different from in game):


Job(level)/Sub Job(level):

NPC or Monster or item Name:

Zone name: Periqia (Zone ID 56)

Coordinates (use !where):

Item tool link (for items issues only):

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): Yes

Steps to reproduce: Successfully defeat mobs in ToAU 31 (Shades of Vengeance) (req. number of mobs is random, just need to kill mobs until the mission completes. NORMALLY, according to the DSP code, after successfully completing this mission, your AhtUrganStatus variable is updated to a value of 1 and the event code for ejection from the battlefield is then triggered. (which SHOULD return you back to the entry point in the Dvucca Isle Staging Point). Problem is, the even code for ejection doesn't do this, it just blacks out the screen and the characters are left sitting in perpetual darkness.

According to the DSP code, as long as your current ToAU mission is Shades of Vengeance and your AhtUrganStatus = 1, as soon as you zone into Caedarva Mire, you will then trigger the very long CS that is at the end of the mission.

Any additional information: So for now, WORKAROUND: If you successfully complete this mission and are stuck in perpetual darkness, just warp out and then zone into Caedarva Mire for the CS to trigger.

Also, BEWARE!!!....currently, the mobs in the battlefield are not the correct type, they appear as chigoes.....and they all appear to be level 120+....not sure if this is intentional or if it is all due to shifts in the code. Be prepared for a battle!!!!

EpicTaru commented 1 year ago


EpicTaru commented 1 year ago

Closing due to being added to above ticket for broken ToAU mission battles