HomepointXI / Issues

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Unable to enter battlefield for ToAU mission 42 (Path of Darkness) #592

Closed EpicTaru closed 1 year ago

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

Date & Time: 01/20/2022 @ 1500

Client Version (use /ver in game): 30191204_1

Character Name:

Discord Name (if different from in game):


Job(level)/Sub Job(level):

NPC or Monster or item Name:

Zone name: Alzadaal Undersea Ruins / Nyzul Isle

Coordinates (use !where): Runic Seal in the Nyzul Isle Staging Point area of Alzadaal Undersea Ruins

Item tool link (for items issues only):

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): Yes / No

Steps to reproduce: Attempt to enter the battlefield for the Path of Darkness battle, you will get the message that only party members that meet the requirements for entrance may enter the battlefield and the prompt for verification of this.

Prompt for Connecting to Server appears. Prompt for Please wait appears. Prompt appears that indicates that you are unable to enter the battlefield at this time appears.

Animations for the unlocking of the Runic Portal plays and animation for character being teleported appears.

Character transitions to black screen and perpetual downloading data status.

Any additional information:

Once the character transitions to the black screen and downloading data status, they no longer appear in /sea.

Character must have their position reset out of Nyzul Isle in order for them to be able to log in completely and appear in /sea.

This appears to be an issue/conflict with the old LD source code/how the mission is coded on current DSP codebase servers. I have sucessfully completed this mission on my personal DSP server and have not had this issue present itself there. It may also be that HomepointXI doesn't have the Nyzul Isle assault zone enabled.

EpicTaru commented 1 year ago


EpicTaru commented 1 year ago

Closing due to being added to above ticket for broken ToAU mission battles