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Shantoto Blood_and_Glory no accepting Trade #608

Closed nxnslite closed 2 years ago

nxnslite commented 2 years ago

Date & Time: 06/04/2022

Client Version (use /ver in game): 30191204_1

Character Name: nxncure

Discord Name (if different from in game): nxn_slite

Nation: windy

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): WHM 99

NPC or Monster or item Name: None

Zone name: None

Coordinates (use !where): None

Item tool link (for items issues only): http://homepointxi.com/db/items/17527/pole_of_trials

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): yes but dont care

Steps to reproduce: get a pole do 300 PTS and trade

Any additional information: Shantoto is not accepting the pole after the 300 PTS done and element removed. cant get the [Map to the Annals of Truth] (In real life... im not sure I would own a map of that name) Thank you guys

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

@nxnslite does Shantotto say anything when you trade the Pole of Trials to her?

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

@nxnslite Please paste a screenshot here of your equipment screen that shows the latent effect of the Pole of Trials no longer reflecting in your stats

nxnslite commented 2 years ago


nxnslite commented 2 years ago

@nxnslite does Shantotto say anything when you trade the Pole of Trials to her?


nxnslite commented 2 years ago

quest completted 100% and how its all she tells me. image

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

@nxnslite Make sure to zone after completing the Curses, Foiled Again!? quest, then you should be prompted with the dialogue to start Curses, Foiled A-Golem. Please complete that one too and then report here with what dialogue Shanny says.

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

@nxnslite cancel last comment, I'll fix your chara so you can go fight the WS NM in a few minutes. I'll respond here once I'm done.

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

@nxnslite, the Pole of Trials has been deleted (!delitem 17527) from the chara and the KI MAP_TO_THE_ANNALS_OF_TRUTH has been added (!addkeyitem MAP_TO_THE_ANNALS_OF_TRUTH) to the chara. Please now attempt to battle the WS NM. If you encounter issues with spawning the WS NM, please respond here. Otherwise, please also respond here if you were able to successfully spawn/defeat the WSNM and subsequently obtain the KI ANNALS_OF_TRUTH from the ??? after the WS NM is defeated. You may also want to screenshot the death message of the WSNM should that be required here if issues are encountered with the obtaining of the KI ANNALS_OF_TRUTH.

nxnslite commented 2 years ago

A portion of the lava here shines brighter than in the other areas. :(

nxnslite commented 2 years ago

ps I dont know why but the quest is not in my quest log... that might be the problem now... and how the hell (cause i dont remember) I got the staff.... Surly I did trigger it.. long long time ago... in a Vanadiel far far away.

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

A portion of the lava here shines brighter than in the other areas. :(

Is this the message you get when you get when you examine the ???

nxnslite commented 2 years ago


EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

And you are at the ??? at the middle of the lava bridge?

nxnslite commented 2 years ago

no the other 1... but the ??? at the bridge give nothing also... (bridge spawn another nm)

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

Ok, I'm having dinner, I'll look into the issue when I'm done.

nxnslite commented 2 years ago

TY epic u saved a small familly member today. its all fixed... As a sacrafice Ill do a retribution of that power to some monsters.

EpicTaru commented 2 years ago

LOL, awesome, don't go crazy!

Glad the issue is resolved for you. I'll research into the code surrounding the Staff WSNM quest later to see what may have happened to cause your issue to occur. Closing ticket.