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The Boyahda Tree droplists not accurate #610

Open EpicTaru opened 1 year ago

EpicTaru commented 1 year ago

Date & Time: 08/13/2022 @ 1045 CST

Client Version (use /ver in game): 30191204_1

Character Name: N/A

Discord Name (if different from in game): N/A

Nation: N/A

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): N/A

NPC or Monster or item Name:

Zone name: The Boyahda Tree (Zone ID 153)

Coordinates (use !where): N/A

Item tool link (for items issues only): Many, see Any additional information section for more details

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): N/A

Steps to reproduce: Go to The Boyahda Tree, kill mobs listed, see the weirdness in the items that they drop given the mob family they are vs. the type of items they are dropping.

Any additional information: Steps to resolve (all drop rates rounded to 2 digit values, derived from FFXIDB at Treasure Hunter 0 level) or BG-Wiki/FFXIclopedia for Despoil/Steal:

Change mob group for Blood Ball from 308 to 0 (no credible sources for drop items/rates).

Assign Old Goobue new mob group with following drops:

Assign Korrigan new mob group with following drops:

Assign Boyahda Sapling new mob group with following drops:

Heepster03 commented 1 year ago

Issue has been resolved and will be in next update!