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Aptant NMs with no drops (Konjac, Muq Shabeel, Sabotender Corrido) #614

Open EpicTaru opened 1 year ago

EpicTaru commented 1 year ago

Date & Time: 11/01/2022 @ 1130

Client Version (use /ver in game): 30191204_1

Character Name: N/A

Discord Name (if different from in game): N/A

Nation: N/A

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): N/A

NPC or Monster or item Name: Konjac (Monster ID 17469632) Muq Shabeel (Monster ID 17174561) Sabotender Corrido (Monster ID 17244350)

Zone name: Konjac - Toraimarai Canal Muq Shabeel - Meriphataud Mountains [S] Sabotender Corrido - Eastern Altepa Desert

Coordinates (use !where): Konjac - !pos 60 22 132 169 Muq Shabeel - !pos 585 -31 603 97 Sabotender Corrido - !pos 44 8 -386 114

Item tool link (for items issues only): N/A

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): N/A

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Look up these monsters on the Monster Tool
  2. See that they have zero drops
  3. Be doubtful that the Monster Tool is telling the truth
  4. Kill these monsters
  5. See that they do indeed drop nothing
  6. Feel bad that you doubted the Monster Tool!

Any additional information: Konjac should drop: Aptant Of Durus (Item Id: 2813), Aptant Of Aecus (Item ID 2812) Muq Shabeel should drop: Aptant Of Fyrst (Item Id: 2819), Aptant Of Haelan (Item ID 2821) Sabotender Corrido should drop: Aptant Of Ishis (Item Id: 2818), Aptant Of Tachus (Item ID 2816)