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Unable to change nation Bastok -> Sand'oria #615

Closed Suikodenxi closed 1 year ago

Suikodenxi commented 1 year ago

Date & Time: 01/23/2023 11:15AM PST

Client Version (use /ver in game): 30191204_1

Character Name: Redheadman

Discord Name (if different from in game):

Nation: Bastok

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): 99WAR/49DRG

NPC or Monster or item Name: Rashid

Zone name: Bastok mines

Coordinates (use !where): X:-8 Y:-1 Z:-122 (78)

Item tool link (for items issues only):

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): yes

Steps to reproduce: Rank 10 Bastok trying to immigrate to Sand'oria but the immigration NPC says He cannot accept application from me and the Bastok mission giver is trying to give repeatable missions.

Any additional information:

EpicTaru commented 1 year ago

@Suikodenxi What does Beriphaule in North Sandy at C-9 say to you when you speak to them about changing nation?

Were you trying to change nations on more than one character at once?

Also, when you interacted with Iron Eater in Metalworks for the completion of Bastok 9-2, did you interact with more than one character at once?

Suikodenxi commented 1 year ago
  1. Beriphaule says: "I cannot accept applications for San d'orian citizenship while you are on a mission."
  2. Yes the other 5 characters immigrated successfully.
  3. yes
EpicTaru commented 1 year ago

OK, so your MissionStatus variable currently has a value of 2, that variable has to have a value of 255 or 0 in order for Beriphaule to proceed with the immigration process.

That variable should have been set to 0 by Iron Eater at the end of Bastok 9-2 but it wasn't set for whatever reason, may have been due to you interacting with Iron Eater for the mission completion on multiple characters at once.

The value of the MissionStatus variable has now been set to the correct value of 0.

Please attempt to interact with Beriphaule again and see if the immigration process goes thru without any issues.

Please report back here with your findings of this attempt, regardless of the outcome. Do not close this ticket, I will close it after you report back with your findings.

Suikodenxi commented 1 year ago

Okay Beriphaule now accepts my application. Thank you.^^