HomerReid / scuff-em

A comprehensive and full-featured computational physics suite for boundary-element analysis of electromagnetic scattering, fluctuation-induced phenomena (Casimir forces and radiative heat transfer), nanophotonics, RF device engineering, electrostatics, and more. Includes a core library with C++ and python APIs as well as many command-line applications.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Unknown option '-setnumber' #79

Closed ZhihaoJia16 closed 8 years ago

ZhihaoJia16 commented 8 years ago

http://homerreid.github.io/scuff-em-documentation/examples/HalfSpaceLDOS/HalfSpaceLDOS/ I perform gmsh -2 -setnumber N 4 Square_N.geo -o Square.msh, but '-setnumber' is unknown.

jzh@jzh-virtual-machine:~/scuff-em-installation/share/scuff-em/examples/HalfSpaceLDOS$ gmsh -2 -setnumber N 4 Square_N.geo -o Square.msh
Error   : Unknown option '-setnumber'
Usage: gmsh [options] [files]
Geometry options:
  -0                   Output unrolled geometry, then exit
  -tol float           Set geometrical tolerance
  -match               Match geometries and meshes
Mesh options:
  -1, -2, -3           Perform 1D, 2D or 3D mesh generation, then exit
  -o file              Specify output file name
  -format string       Select output mesh format (auto (default), msh, msh1, msh2, unv, vrml, ply2, stl, mesh, bdf, cgns, p3d, diff, med, ...)
  -bin                 Use binary format when available
  -refine              Perform uniform mesh refinement, then exit
  -part int            Partition after batch mesh generation
  -partWeight tri|quad|tet|prism|hex int Weight of a triangle/quad/etc. during partitioning
  -saveall             Save all elements (discard physical group definitions)
  -parametric          Save vertices with their parametric coordinates
  -algo string         Select mesh algorithm (meshadapt, del2d, front2d, delquad, del3d, front3d, mmg3d)
  -smooth int          Set number of mesh smoothing steps
  -order int           Set mesh order (1, ..., 5)
  -optimize[_netgen]   Optimize quality of tetrahedral elements
  -optimize_ho         Optimize high order meshes
  -ho_[min,max,nlayers] High-order optimization parameters
  -optimize_lloyd      Optimize 2D meshes using Lloyd algorithm
  -clscale float       Set global mesh element size scaling factor
  -clmin float         Set minimum mesh element size
  -clmax float         Set maximum mesh element size
  -anisoMax float      Set maximum anisotropy (only used in bamg for now)
  -smoothRatio float   Set smoothing ration between mesh sizes at nodes of a same edge (only used in bamg)
  -clcurv              Automatically compute element sizes from curvatures
  -epslc1d             Set accuracy of evaluation of LCFIELD for 1D mesh
  -swapangle           Set the threshold angle (in degree) between two adjacent faces below which a swap is allowed
  -rand float          Set random perturbation factor
  -bgm file            Load background mesh from file
  -check               Perform various consistency checks on mesh
  -mpass int           Do several passes on the mesh for complex backround fields
  -ignorePartBound     Ignore partitions boundaries
Post-processing options:
  -link int            Select link mode between views (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
  -combine             Combine views having identical names into multi-time-step views
Display options:
  -n                   Hide all meshes and post-processing views on startup
  -nodb                Disable double buffering
  -numsubedges         Set num of subdivisions for high order element display
  -fontsize int        Specify the font size for the GUI
  -theme string        Specify FLTK GUI theme
  -display string      Specify display
  -camera              Use camera mode view;
  -stereo              OpenGL quad-buffered stereo rendering (requires special graphic card)
  -gamepad             Use gamepad controller if available
Other options:
  -, -parse_and_exit   Parse input files, then exit
  -new                 Create new model before merge next file
  -merge               Merge next files
  -open                Open next files
  -a, -g, -m, -s, -p   Start in automatic, geometry, mesh, solver or post-processing mode
  -pid                 Print process id on stdout
  -listen              Always listen to incoming connection requests
  -watch pattern       Pattern of files to merge as they become available
  -v int               Set verbosity level
  -nopopup             Don't popup dialog windows in scripts
  -string "string"     Parse option string at startup
  -option file         Parse option file at startup
  -convert files       Convert files into latest binary formats, then exit
  -version             Show version number
  -info                Show detailed version information
  -help                Show command line usage
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD 
with errorcode 1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

Thank you in advance.

HomerReid commented 8 years ago

Perhaps you have an earlier version of gmsh installed? The -setnumber option works for me in my current installed version of gmsh, which is version 2.9.3.

% gmsh --version 
ZhihaoJia16 commented 8 years ago

I update the version of gmsh, it works. Thank you!