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Data Visualization Bounty #5

Open ck-convex opened 1 year ago

ck-convex commented 1 year ago

Prize Title

Ethereum Data Visualization Bounty

Prize Bounty

Challenge Description

In this bounty, participants will be tasked with visualizing datasets in unique ways that show interesting insights. Any available datasets can be used (ie existing Dune queries, data sets from other platforms) but data visualizations should focus on assets, addresses, contracts, and transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. Although, data type and methodology are up to the participant, data collection should be focused in 3 areas: security, compliance, and authenticity.

Submission Requirements

Data visualizations can be based on any tool the participant sees fit to utilize. Visualizations should be focused on data associated with assets, addresses, contracts, and transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. A description of the data collection process should also be included. Data can be submitted via Github, Dune, or any public platform. Any available datasets can be used (ie existing Dune queries, data sets from other platforms). For example, other hackathon submissions (ie data collection datasets) are available to use.

Submissions not focused on security, compliance, or authenticity will be disregarded.

Participants are allowed unlimited submissions. Each submission will be counted individually and participants are eligible to win multiple prizes.

Judging Criteria

Submissions will be judged on the following criteria; however, judges will use their discretion in choosing winners:

Winner Announcement Date

Winners will be announced by October 6th, 2022.



Honest Protocol Resources

Dune Resources

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by an hour from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) soptq has started work.

Make a visualization of data on eth. 2) sepandhaghighi has started work.

Ethereum Fraud Detection Visualization 3) silentkiller9369 has started work.

DataNft Name of Project Visualisation of Data-NFTs

Proposal in one sentence Conceptualization of Data-NFTs for the marketplace that can help data assets to have better data-consume volume. Description of the project and what problem is it solving Data visualization is a key component for appreciating data assets. There are a number of ways to influence price discovery and consume-volume of valuable datasets. Data-NFTs that are due to come in the future, will influence the appreciation of data assets. Coming up with a creative iteration of Data-NFTs will drive forward more work that is due to happen in this space. We aim to do this by creating a product that can act as the Data-NFT visualization layer for the data-assets present in the marketplace.

Grant Deliverables Concept artwork of Data-NFTs that could be on offer in the Ocean marketplace Iteration of different types of Data-NFTs based on existing standards of support in the upcoming marketplace NFTs for C2D Algorithms. Typical visualization of results and analysis of sample datasets can be put forth on the data-NFTs A mockup of a data-NFT marketplace that would explain and display the above iterations of Data-NFTs Detailed research on Data NFTs from the compilation of in-depth work done for the project Which category best describes your project? Build / improve applications or integrations to Ocean

What is the final product? Our main deliverable will be to execute a singular marketplace entity that will act as the Data-NFT visualization layer for the data-assets present in the ocean marketplace. As explained previously, the Data-NFTs will provide quality drive in data-consume volume. There are a number of things that can be showcased as Data-NFTs that are visible prior to the metadata of data-assets, some of which are:

(i)Sample dataset visualization & Sample data-analysis. (ii) One glance artwork that conveys what kind of data-assets that would be available.

Which one or more of the criteria will your project focus on? Why do you believe your team will do well on those criteria? According to the “value add criteria”, the project will drive ocean usage (1), add to community activeness (2), and add value to the community/ecosystem (3). In detail, these would be possible as the following:

Usage of Ocean: The Data-NFT concepts will essentially be a great iteration exercise to the upcoming features in the NFT marketplace. We will closely work with project-guidance working groups and other ocean ecosystem Better Design & UI/UX suggestions: Design iterations are key to understanding data-assets.The NFT wave this year has shown that market recognition in the Web3 community is already existent. This can be improved even further with our design strategy Data-consume volume: The future of NFTs will be driven by utility layers that are added on-top of existing NFTs.For Data-NFTs, faster understanding of data-assets will soon lead to better data-consume volume. Viability of the project: With design iterations and NFT utility layers being our key strengths, this project is completely viable. Community activeness: We envision our team and project to be active with the market and business partners. To add further value, we will take time in understanding and partnering with relevant Ocean ecosystem partners for specific value add collaborations. 3.1 Details Details of the proposal NFTs are essentially micro-social network layers existing in the current status quo of Web3. With our deep understanding of NFTs we can closely work with teams in the Ocean ecosystem to unlock the social layer behind data-asset teams. These can happen during the future roadmap during our cordial relationship with the Ocean ecosystem. Our main deliverable will be to execute a singular marketplace entity that will act as the Data-NFT visualization layer for the data-assets present in the ocean marketplace. As explained previously, the Data-NFTs will provide quality drive in data-consume volume. Potential add-ons:

We would be open to interact with any existing stakeholder in the ocean ecosystem for contributing to design iteration discussions. Optional route will be to beta-test with existing data-assets in the TestNet of the Ocean marketplace. 3.2 Category: “Build / improve applications or integration to Ocean” App will be live at: As a microsite that visualizes the NFT and is integrated to the data source of the NFTs The notion site of Dehidden will hold the add-on deliverables and documentations…

Is the software open-source? Yes. Since the iterations are mostly designed at the initial stage, there will be little code implementation for the proposed deliverables. If any code is implemented, they will be open-sourced.

3.8 Project includes community engagement Which channels will be used? For how long? Development updates will be shared throughout our Twitter handle as the project progresses and we hit the major milestones as per timelines in the project roadmap below. Detailed write-ups of our approach and learnings will be shared as a blog post in our Medium blog. We will also be having a community engagement strategy to ensure there is value exchange between both dehidden and Ocean Protocol ecosystem

3.9 Project Deliverables - Roadmap Any prior work completed thus far? The microsites that the project NFTs will be hosted on are complete. These will have utility access based on the NFT type and visualizations as apt. Check out the sample microsites here: Token Gated Microsite 2, Public Access Microsite 3.

Project roadmap Iteration of different types of Data-NFTs based on existing standards of support in the upcoming marketplace. (ongoing) NFTs for C2D Algorithms. Typical visualization of results and analysis of sample datasets can be put forth on the data-NFTs. (Q4 2021) Different design iteration of data-NFTs and visualization(Q1 2022) A mockup of data-NFT marketplace that would explain and display the above iterations of Data-NFTs (Q1 2022) Detailed research on Data NFTs from the compilation of in-depth work done for the project. (Q1 2022) Future project integrations (Q2 202) 4) tf0rs has started work.

Illustrating patterns in transaction behaviors of ice phishing addresses. 5) pfed-prog has started work.

Dune Analytics 6) giraffekey has started work.

Data collection of NFT threat detection alerts using smart contract events and Forta API. 7) denz-e has started work.

A proof-of-concept of how we can create a comprehensive dashboard tracking all NFT phishing scams. 7 events of differing severity and nature are included. 8) alexpam has started work.

This project focuses on the analysis/ Visualization of stolen NFTs and addresses of malicious attackers. 9) fibrinlab has started work.

Visualising already collected dataset

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 2000.0 USDC (2000.0 USD @ $1.0/USDC) has been submitted by:

  1. @mohd-taqiuddin
  2. @coffiasd
  3. @sepandhaghighi
  4. @silentkiller9369
  5. @soptq
  6. @tf0rs
  7. @pfed-prog
  8. @giraffekey
  9. @denz-e
  10. @fibrinlab
  11. @alexpam

@ck-convex please take a look at the submitted work:

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 2000.0 USDC (2000.00 USD @ $1.0/USDC) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @soptq.