HongPong / broken-link-checker

This plugin will check your posts, comments and other content for broken links and missing images, and notify you if any are found. (non-commercial community fork of broken-link-checker)
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[discussion] questions about this repo #35

Open atomGit opened 5 years ago

atomGit commented 5 years ago

very nice to see someone willing to maintain this plugin

from your comments on WP and your request to transfer ownership, it's unclear to me what the status of this BLC repo is - are you forking it? or just patching it?

i wasn't able to find a license for the original BLC, however given the authors lack of presence i hope you see fit to take over the project and re-release it

i'd like to submit 1 or 2 issues but would like to know the status first


HongPong commented 5 years ago

Hi @atomGit, I just posted this on the main thread https://wordpress.org/support/topic/request-to-transfer-ownership-of-broken-link-checker/page/2/#post-11324351

Re longer term intentions: I am not interested in creating a subscription “pro” version. It is not really my style and I don’t have the latitude to cover the kind of support level people might expect. I am interested in, for example, if this plugin could help purge the Interwebs of those horrible AMP URLS and Facebook ?fbclid query strings (replacing them both with good canonical links) https://github.com/HongPong/broken-link-checker/issues/7

I would think that donations are reasonable (if you have advice about which donation gateways are best for wordpress plugins I would like to know! can email hongpong@hongpong.com since that is a bit offtopic ) and I agree this is a big enough plugin that it ought to be able to get at least a bit of donations coming in for a reasonably scaled effort.

I am also a big supporter of free software and would like a friendly community around this plugin that can really make it hum. I would also like to make it connect with all things related to indieweb.org which has a lot to do with cleanly published URLs and the health of the overall internet. (there are some indieweb wordpress plugins, maybe they can leverage this one and vice versa)

Generally I would intend to manage feature requests and improvements via Github here : https://github.com/HongPong/broken-link-checker/issues and there is already an enhancement label going on several issues there. (A first pull request came in and was rolled last week there, we are off to the races). I also agree that some kind of fundraising system that could crowdfund new features would be a nice add on that could push this plugin even farther.

Re short term intentions, I spent the last few days rebuilding & reinstalling my local system to provide a better dev environment. Next I will take a shot at adding a few phpunit tests (this will also be posted on github and work with Travis CI I hope) then I will submit that to the WordPress plugins group and see if they find it acceptable for taking over managing this plugin.

Per what @ver3 mentions, I wonder if a mechanism for beta testers would be simply alternatively tagged releases on github (like 1.11.8beta3) or if there would need to be an email listserv.

Thank you all for the support on this!

atomGit commented 5 years ago

re: tomusher comment on the other thread...

... it would be nice to have a tab separate from the “Support” tab just for “Feature Requests/Improvements” or the like.

that may be something to think about before implementing it because i think that might get you in trouble in terms of a deluge of feature requests/bugs which may not provide enough info - i might suggest just adding a link to the github repo and thereby filtering out a lot of the garbage requests

regarding funding, i can't help you there - you could stick a PayPal (or whatever) link in the UI (along with a heart-felt message) and solicit donations, but i wouldn't expect much of a return, NOT because BLC isn't worth it, but because most people just won't donate

regarding beta releases, i don't know how best to handle that, but your idea to tag the release sounds simple and efficient - you could then release 2 builds on the WP repo - beta and stable - and people can choose if they want to test (if WP will allow this) - else you could just release the beta's here - people can be notified by subscribing to the rss feed, etc.

mundschenk-at commented 5 years ago

WP.org does not allow beta releases.

HongPong commented 5 years ago

I have withdrawn the request to take over the main WP plugin, however I will keep this fork up and if people find it helpful, would like to submit PRs or fork from it, I support that. Always down to simply have a home brewed plugin that doesn't have any ads!!