HongbiaoZ / autonomous_exploration_development_environment

Leveraging system development and robot deployment for ground-based autonomous navigation and exploration.
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Running on ROS2 humble fails due to pointcloud.ply not being found #21

Open altineller opened 1 year ago

altineller commented 1 year ago

running on humble fails due to ./install/vehicle_simulator/share/vehicle_simulator/mesh/garage/preview/pointcloud.ply not being found. it also causes gazebo not to spawn the robot correctly. the command colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release to build it does not copy the mesh directories contents to inside of install directory. once the files were manually copied, the problem went away.

NobleFlower commented 1 year ago

When I build using this command, the following error appears. Is this the same problem?

-- stderr: visibility_graph_msg
CMake Error: The source directory ".../build/visibility_graph_msg/waypoint_rviz_plugin" does not exist.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.
Failed <<< visibility_graph_msg [0.07s, exited with code 1]
--- stderr: goalpoint_rviz_plugin
CMake Error: The source directory ".../build/goalpoint_rviz_plugin/waypoint_rviz_plugin" does not exist.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.
altineller commented 1 year ago

Hello @NobleFlower,

I think it is not the same problem.

I have built it following instructions on https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a01RSrPFan9SV2g2BFP_8GGtnamAdGIc/view for ros2, and for me it works.

NobleFlower commented 1 year ago

@altineller Thanks for your patient.

I found that this error was because my computer had insufficient computing power and there was a problem with the compilation process.

When I compile on a computer with higher specs (i7 CPU), it no longer throws an error.

Shawn-Tao commented 1 month ago

image image

I think you miss it