HongbiaoZ / autonomous_exploration_development_environment

Leveraging system development and robot deployment for ground-based autonomous navigation and exploration.
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Problems running in the simulation environment #7

Open PigletPh opened 2 years ago

PigletPh commented 2 years ago

Hi,the work is excellent.But when I run the simulation environment,there were two problems above: image 1、The running time of the algorithm in the third column always shows 0 instead of a fluctuating curve, where is it not set? 2、The terminal keeps reporting an error: [ERROR] Spawn service failed. Exiting. Is this a problem with sim_time in the world file? Thanks for your answer!

HongbiaoZ commented 2 years ago

Hi, the following are the answers to your questions: (1) The runtime is used to demonstrate the planning time of each iteration in a higher lever planner, like exploration or route planning. If you do not run any higher planner, then runtime is 0. In this case, only when you run our exploration planner, namely, DSVP, or TARE, the runtime will not be 0. If you need runtime to show something, you can also publish a topic named "/runtime". (2) If you only get this error but nothing is crashed, you can just ignore it. It does not influence the result of the simulation. Otherwise, you need to upload the exact error information.