HongguLiu / Deepfake-Detection

The Pytorch implemention of Deepfake Detection based on Faceforensics++
Apache License 2.0
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Do i need cuda to run test_CNN.py? #9

Closed julschoy closed 4 years ago

julschoy commented 4 years ago

I have installed all the requirements but i am running CPU insteaad of GPU and i cant seem to get test_CNN.py to run.

HongguLiu commented 4 years ago

if you want to run this code on CPU, you must replace model = model.cuda image = image.cuda() labels = labels.cuda() with model = model.cpu() image = image.cpu() labels = labels.cpu()

julschoy commented 4 years ago

omg thanks!! hahah i am new in this field and i will try it again later!