HongshiTan / RTIMULib2

9-dof, 10-dof and 11-dof IMU fusion library for Linux systems (development version)
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STM LSM9DS1 using SPI #5

Closed gmsanchez closed 2 years ago

gmsanchez commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am trying to use RTIMULib2 on a Raspberry Pi model 3B+ running Ubuntu 20.04 with an SPI attached LSM9DS1 IMU. After compiling and installing the library, I get this output whenever I run RTIMULibDrive:

Settings file RTIMULib.ini loaded
********************************************verison : 1.2
Using fusion algorithm RTQF
min/max compass calibration not in use
Ellipsoid compass calibration not in use
Accel calibration not in use
Incorrect LSM9DS1 accel/mag id 104

The modified parts of RTIMULib.ini are:

# #####################################################################
# RTIMULib settings file

# General settings

# IMU type - 
#   0 = Auto discover
#   1 = Null (used when data is provided from a remote IMU
#   2 = InvenSense MPU-9150
#   3 = STM L3GD20H + LSM303D
#   4 = STM L3GD20 + LSM303DLHC
#   5 = STM LSM9DS0
#   6 = STM LSM9DS1
#   7 = InvenSense MPU-9250
#   8 = STM L3GD20H + LSM303DLHC
#   9 = Bosch BMX055
#   10 = Bosch BNX055
#   11 = HMC5883L + ADXL345 + L3G4200D

# Fusion type type - 
#   0 - Null. Use if only sensor data required without fusion
#   1 - Kalman STATE4
#   2 - RTQF

# Is bus I2C: 'true' for I2C, 'false' for SPI

# I2C Bus (between 0 and 7) 

# SPI Bus (between 0 and 7) 

# SPI select (between 0 and 1) 

# SPI Speed in Hz

# I2C slave address (filled in automatically by auto discover) 

If the IMU is connected on the I2C bus, RTIMULib works correctly.

Using AccelGyroMag.py and modifying lsm9ds1.py on lines 34 and 35, where SPI device is 0 for Accelerometer and Gyroscope and 1 for the Magnetometer, works. So I am assuming it is not a SPI port configuration issue.

If there is some information missing just let me know and I add as needed.

Thanks in advance!

HongshiTan commented 2 years ago

Hello, sorry for such a long delay. I have referred to the official specification. and it seems a mistake on the default value of WHO_AM_I reg. I will fix it and thanks for your information.

gmsanchez commented 2 years ago


Thanks for the fix. May I ask if the LSM9DS1 is supposed to work while connected to the SPI interface? I keep getting errors while trying to use the IMU in this way.