HongwenZhang / PyMAF-X

[TPAMI 2023] PyMAF-X: Towards Well-aligned Full-body Model Regression from Monocular Images
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Training procedure too slow #84

Open YaqiChang opened 3 months ago

YaqiChang commented 3 months ago

Hi, thanks for the excellent work! But I have a question about training the model. I try to flow the instruction and PyMAF's trainging guide to reimplement PyMAF-X' s training, but got to find the training procedure is very slow. Some paras are as below:


Ubder this circumanstence, the sigle epoch will take 90 mins I didn't change any other parameters yet, I wonder I missed somthing or this procedure is just really slow. The GPU I use for training is RTX4090, training on pose_resnet pretrained model and the base dataset is h36m-p2