I have data from 10X ran in 2 lanes and the fastq files are split by oligos (explained herehttps://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-gene-expression/software/pipelines/latest/using/fastq-input). Essentially the path structure is the follows:
I am thinking of using prepare.smk to concatenate lanes within each directory and then consider each directory as a different sample. As the end result of the sample in this case I would use the umi table from the results/summary directory.
Does my approach sound ok or does it look questionable?
Hi, I have data from 10X ran in 2 lanes and the fastq files are split by oligos (explained herehttps://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-gene-expression/software/pipelines/latest/using/fastq-input). Essentially the path structure is the follows:
I am thinking of using prepare.smk to concatenate lanes within each directory and then consider each directory as a different sample. As the end result of the sample in this case I would use the umi table from the results/summary directory.
Does my approach sound ok or does it look questionable?