HookedBehemoth / neuters

Reuters Redirect and Proxy
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
84 stars 7 forks source link

neuters.de: 500 - IO error: Failed to read JSON: missing field 'topic_url' at line 1 column ... #29

Closed stricker closed 1 year ago

stricker commented 1 year ago

As of Tuesday, August 1, 21:00 CEST, all pages on neuters.de show

500 - IO error: Failed to read JSON: missing field `topic_url` at line 1 column ... (some line number)


HookedBehemoth commented 1 year ago

Fixed it

Turned out that there was an article with the author being "Reuters" without a topic url

cadusilva commented 1 year ago

Hello, I deleted the folder and built everything again by cloning this repo, but...

500 - IO error: Failed to read JSON: missing field `topic_url` at line 1 column 36904

You tried to access "/"

At https://neuters.bolha.one/

HookedBehemoth commented 1 year ago

That instance seems to not be updated. I added the git commit to the about section now, so I can assert this more easily.

cadusilva commented 1 year ago

I ran the command docker system prune --all --force --volumes in order to delete any Docker cache or the like and then ran the following commands:

rm -rf /opt/neuters
mkdir /opt/neuters
cd /opt/neuters
#docker stop neuters
#docker rm neuters
git clone https://github.com/HookedBehemoth/neuters.git .
docker build .
docker-compose up -d

But this time the build process didn't end successfully. This is the error reported:

Click to see, kinda long ``` => ERROR [builder 5/5] RUN cargo install --path . 102.0s ------ > [builder 5/5] RUN cargo install --path .: 0.673 Installing neuters v0.1.1 (/build) 0.737 Updating crates.io index 5.786 Downloading crates ... 6.505 Downloaded base64 v0.13.1 6.521 Downloaded unicode-normalization v0.1.22 6.532 Downloaded twoway v0.1.8 6.539 Downloaded clap v4.3.19 6.562 Downloaded time v0.3.25 6.582 Downloaded time-core v0.1.1 6.585 Downloaded num-traits v0.2.16 6.591 Downloaded mime v0.3.17 6.596 Downloaded rustls-pemfile v1.0.3 6.602 Downloaded multipart v0.18.0 6.612 Downloaded siphasher v0.3.10 6.616 Downloaded tiny_http v0.12.0 6.624 Downloaded utf8parse v0.2.1 6.627 Downloaded indexmap v1.9.3 6.635 Downloaded autocfg v1.1.0 6.639 Downloaded threadpool v1.8.1 6.643 Downloaded phf v0.10.1 6.646 Downloaded url v2.4.0 6.653 Downloaded rand v0.8.5 6.660 Downloaded num_threads v0.1.6 6.665 Downloaded untrusted v0.7.1 6.668 Downloaded tempfile v3.7.0 6.675 Downloaded safemem v0.3.3 6.678 Downloaded codemap v0.1.3 6.683 Downloaded tinyvec_macros v0.1.1 6.687 Downloaded spin v0.5.2 6.692 Downloaded unicode-bidi v0.3.13 6.700 Downloaded tinyvec v1.6.0 6.707 Downloaded version_check v0.9.4 6.712 Downloaded webpki-roots v0.23.1 6.719 Downloaded unicode-ident v1.0.11 6.725 Downloaded ryu v1.0.15 6.732 Downloaded quote v1.0.32 6.738 Downloaded rustls-webpki v0.101.2 6.763 Downloaded iana-time-zone v0.1.57 6.767 Downloaded phf_shared v0.10.0 6.769 Downloaded serde_json v1.0.104 6.782 Downloaded syn v1.0.109 6.798 Downloaded serde_derive v1.0.181 6.810 Downloaded grass v0.13.1 6.813 Downloaded rustls v0.21.6 6.832 Downloaded syn v2.0.28 6.847 Downloaded chrono v0.4.26 6.860 Downloaded form_urlencoded v1.2.0 6.862 Downloaded anstyle-parse v0.2.1 6.865 Downloaded grass_compiler v0.13.0 6.879 Downloaded phf_generator v0.10.0 6.881 Downloaded once_cell v1.18.0 6.886 Downloaded ascii v1.1.0 6.890 Downloaded libc v0.2.147 6.926 Downloaded log v0.4.19 6.930 Downloaded ahash v0.7.6 6.934 Downloaded getrandom v0.2.10 6.940 Downloaded ureq v2.7.1 6.957 Downloaded rand_core v0.6.4 6.966 Downloaded proc-macro-error-attr v1.0.4 6.973 Downloaded proc-macro-error v1.0.4 6.983 Downloaded hashbrown v0.11.2 6.997 Downloaded unicase v2.6.0 7.001 Downloaded is-terminal v0.4.9 7.005 Downloaded flate2 v1.0.26 7.013 Downloaded colorchoice v1.0.0 7.015 Downloaded rustls-webpki v0.100.1 7.029 Downloaded linux-raw-sys v0.4.5 7.083 Downloaded clap_lex v0.5.0 7.088 Downloaded ring v0.16.20 7.204 Downloaded tl v0.7.7 7.209 Downloaded strsim v0.10.0 7.211 Downloaded httparse v1.8.0 7.215 Downloaded hashbrown v0.12.3 7.221 Downloaded rustls-native-certs v0.6.3 7.224 Downloaded rouille v3.6.2 7.231 Downloaded proc-macro-hack v0.5.20+deprecated 7.234 Downloaded phf_macros v0.10.0 7.235 Downloaded openssl-probe v0.1.5 7.237 Downloaded mime_guess v2.0.4 7.241 Downloaded chunked_transfer v1.4.1 7.251 Downloaded buf_redux v0.8.4 7.254 Downloaded anstream v0.3.2 7.263 Downloaded adler v1.0.2 7.267 Downloaded quick-error v1.2.3 7.274 Downloaded httpdate v1.0.2 7.278 Downloaded bitflags v2.3.3 7.283 Downloaded anstyle-query v1.0.0 7.285 Downloaded sha1_smol v1.0.0 7.288 Downloaded base64 v0.21.2 7.298 Downloaded num_cpus v1.16.0 7.303 Downloaded miniz_oxide v0.7.1 7.307 Downloaded anstyle v1.0.1 7.311 Downloaded idna v0.4.0 7.322 Downloaded rustix v0.38.6 7.359 Downloaded maud v0.25.0 7.363 Downloaded cc v1.0.81 7.367 Downloaded rand_chacha v0.3.1 7.369 Downloaded pico-args v0.5.0 7.372 Downloaded percent-encoding v2.3.0 7.373 Downloaded itoa v1.0.9 7.375 Downloaded ppv-lite86 v0.2.17 7.377 Downloaded lasso v0.6.0 7.383 Downloaded serde v1.0.181 7.390 Downloaded proc-macro2 v1.0.66 7.393 Downloaded memchr v2.5.0 7.399 Downloaded filetime v0.2.21 7.402 Downloaded fastrand v2.0.0 7.404 Downloaded deranged v0.3.7 7.406 Downloaded sct v0.7.0 7.412 Downloaded maud_macros v0.25.0 7.414 Downloaded glob v0.3.1 7.416 Downloaded clap_builder v4.3.19 7.427 Downloaded crc32fast v1.3.2 7.429 Downloaded cfg-if v1.0.0 7.508 Compiling libc v0.2.147 7.508 Compiling version_check v0.9.4 7.508 Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.66 7.508 Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.11 7.759 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 7.815 Compiling autocfg v1.1.0 8.965 Compiling syn v1.0.109 9.583 Compiling quote v1.0.32 10.27 Compiling getrandom v0.2.10 10.46 Compiling cc v1.0.81 10.67 Compiling rand_core v0.6.4 10.83 Compiling unicase v2.6.0 11.11 Compiling rustix v0.38.6 11.23 Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.17 11.92 Compiling ahash v0.7.6 12.17 Compiling rand_chacha v0.3.1 12.24 Compiling bitflags v2.3.3 12.68 Compiling siphasher v0.3.10 13.26 Compiling proc-macro-hack v0.5.20+deprecated 13.56 Compiling linux-raw-sys v0.4.5 13.76 Compiling phf_shared v0.10.0 14.26 Compiling rand v0.8.5 14.29 Compiling ring v0.16.20 16.86 Compiling once_cell v1.18.0 17.78 Compiling spin v0.5.2 17.97 Compiling utf8parse v0.2.1 18.07 Compiling untrusted v0.7.1 18.14 Compiling anstyle-parse v0.2.1 18.70 Compiling is-terminal v0.4.9 18.79 Compiling phf_generator v0.10.0 19.18 Compiling indexmap v1.9.3 19.53 Compiling colorchoice v1.0.0 19.69 Compiling anstyle v1.0.1 20.41 Compiling anstyle-query v1.0.0 20.51 Compiling memchr v2.5.0 21.25 Compiling tinyvec_macros v0.1.1 21.30 Compiling tinyvec v1.6.0 22.06 Compiling anstream v0.3.2 23.46 Compiling hashbrown v0.11.2 24.41 Compiling syn v2.0.28 24.90 Compiling proc-macro-error-attr v1.0.4 25.19 Compiling log v0.4.19 25.70 Compiling serde v1.0.181 26.26 Compiling strsim v0.10.0 26.41 Compiling phf_macros v0.10.0 27.99 Compiling clap_lex v0.5.0 28.69 Compiling hashbrown v0.12.3 29.38 Compiling phf v0.10.1 29.87 Compiling clap_builder v4.3.19 32.50 Compiling lasso v0.6.0 33.62 Compiling unicode-normalization v0.1.22 34.13 Compiling serde_derive v1.0.181 34.26 Compiling mime_guess v2.0.4 36.09 Compiling num-traits v0.2.16 36.40 Compiling proc-macro-error v1.0.4 36.68 Compiling percent-encoding v2.3.0 37.20 Compiling serde_json v1.0.104 38.07 Compiling crc32fast v1.3.2 38.70 Compiling itoa v1.0.9 39.84 Compiling codemap v0.1.3 40.35 Compiling httparse v1.8.0 40.76 Compiling unicode-bidi v0.3.13 42.70 Compiling idna v0.4.0 45.24 Compiling grass_compiler v0.13.0 48.14 Compiling form_urlencoded v1.2.0 49.11 Compiling clap v4.3.19 50.27 Compiling safemem v0.3.3 50.40 Compiling fastrand v2.0.0 50.57 Compiling mime v0.3.17 51.24 Compiling ryu v1.0.15 51.67 Compiling adler v1.0.2 51.83 Compiling base64 v0.21.2 51.93 Compiling rustls v0.21.6 52.21 Compiling miniz_oxide v0.7.1 54.88 Compiling tempfile v3.7.0 56.29 Compiling buf_redux v0.8.4 57.17 Compiling grass v0.13.1 57.53 Compiling url v2.4.0 63.34 Compiling twoway v0.1.8 63.79 Compiling sct v0.7.0 63.97 Compiling rustls-webpki v0.101.2 64.03 Compiling rustls-webpki v0.100.1 64.27 Compiling num_cpus v1.16.0 66.22 Compiling httpdate v1.0.2 66.52 Compiling ascii v1.1.0 67.11 Compiling glob v0.3.1 68.26 Compiling quick-error v1.2.3 68.36 Compiling time-core v0.1.1 68.47 Compiling deranged v0.3.7 68.51 Compiling num_threads v0.1.6 68.87 Compiling chunked_transfer v1.4.1 69.07 Compiling iana-time-zone v0.1.57 69.37 Compiling chrono v0.4.26 70.16 Compiling tiny_http v0.12.0 71.43 Compiling time v0.3.25 74.85 Compiling multipart v0.18.0 78.13 Compiling webpki-roots v0.23.1 78.26 Compiling threadpool v1.8.1 80.29 Compiling flate2 v1.0.26 80.80 Compiling maud_macros v0.25.0 81.77 Compiling rustls-pemfile v1.0.3 82.34 Compiling neuters v0.1.1 (/build) 82.48 Compiling filetime v0.2.21 83.02 Compiling base64 v0.13.1 83.25 Compiling sha1_smol v1.0.0 84.05 Compiling openssl-probe v0.1.5 84.14 Compiling rouille v3.6.2 84.27 error: failed to run custom build command for `neuters v0.1.1 (/build)` 84.27 84.27 Caused by: 84.27 process didn't exit successfully: `/build/target/release/build/neuters-60ad7744d9dea099/build-script-build` (exit status: 101) 84.27 --- stderr 84.27 thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', build.rs:11:10 84.27 note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace 84.27 warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish... 102.0 error: failed to compile `neuters v0.1.1 (/build)`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/build/target` ------ Dockerfile:9 -------------------- 7 | COPY . . 8 | 9 | >>> RUN cargo install --path . 10 | 11 | # Final Image -------------------- ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c cargo install --path ." did not complete successfully: exit code: 101 ```
HookedBehemoth commented 1 year ago

Meh Try again

cadusilva commented 1 year ago

Now the build was successful and the home feed loads properly. Thank you!
