Hopding / pdf-lib

Create and modify PDF documents in any JavaScript environment
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We are getting the error "pdflib:17785 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: fontkit.create is not a function" #1544

Open kauravmayur opened 10 months ago

kauravmayur commented 10 months ago

What were you trying to do?

We are using the Salesforce LWC components, where using the custom fonts with the download functionality, but we are getting the "pdflib:17785 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: fontkit.create is not a function" once downloading the custom fonts with the Fontkit library.

Could you please share the correct Fontkit library, so we can use it here.

How did you attempt to do it?

We are using the Salesforce LWC components, where using the custom fonts with the download functionality, but we are getting the "pdflib:17785 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: fontkit.create is not a function" once downloading the custom fonts with the Fontkit library.

Could you please share the correct Fontkit library, so we can use here.

What actually happened?

We are using below 2 lines to import the static pdfLib and Fontkit library in our salesforce database. import pdflib from "@salesforce/resourceUrl/pdflib"; import fontkit from "@salesforce/resourceUrl/fontkit";

While we ar using the below code, we are getting the error after pdfDoc.embedFont() function. const pdfDoc = await PDFLib.PDFDocument.create(); pdfDoc.registerFontkit(fontkit); const timesRomanFont = await pdfDoc.embedFont( fontBytes );

What did you expect to happen?

It should download the PDF file with the custom fonts

How can we reproduce the issue?

async createPdf() { //const fontkit = pdflib; loadScript(this, fontkit).then(() => { console.log('fontkit loded'); }); console.log('fontkit : '+fontkit); ///LightningMemberPortal/resource/OLDENGL/OldEnglishFive-axyVg.ttf //const url = specFontsOLDENGL+'/OldEnglishFive-axyVg.ttf';

    const url = specFonts+'/oldenglishfivefont/OldEnglishFive.ttf';
    console.log('url : '+url);
    const fontBytes = await fetch(url).then(res => res.arrayBuffer());

    console.log('fontBytes : '+fontBytes);

    const pdfDoc = await PDFLib.PDFDocument.create();


    const timesRomanFont = await pdfDoc.embedFont(

    const page = pdfDoc.addPage();
    const { width, height } = page.getSize();
    const fontSize = 30;
    page.drawText('View certificate for the AKA', {
      x: 50,
      y: height - 4 * fontSize,
      size: fontSize,
      font: timesRomanFont,
      color: PDFLib.rgb(0, 0.53, 0.71),

    const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save();
    this.saveByteArray("AKA Certificate", pdfBytes);



We are using the latest version of pdf-lib

What environment are you running pdf-lib in?



Additional Notes

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marsh-mellow commented 5 months ago

I am also getting this issue in Salesforce. Do we have a workaround while we wait for the fix?