The library call to load the flepicommon package is quite verbose and indicates some issues with how the dependencies are setup for that package.
The packages dplyr and magrittr should be moved from depends to imports to avoid attaching those packages.
Explicitly import when and accumulate from purrr over foreach to get rid of the conflicting imports warning message.
To Reproduce
> library(flepicommon)
Loading required package: dplyr
Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
filter, lag
The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
Loading required package: magrittr
Warning messages:
1: replacing previous import ‘foreach::when’ by ‘purrr::when’ when loading ‘flepicommon’
2: replacing previous import ‘foreach::accumulate’ by ‘purrr::accumulate’ when loading ‘flepicommon’
Environment, if relevant
MacOS 14.6.1, R 4.3.3, Python 3.10.15, conda 24.5.0
bug, good first issue, quick issue
Priority Label
low priority
Describe the bug/issue
The library call to load the
package is quite verbose and indicates some issues with how the dependencies are setup for that package.dplyr
should be moved from depends to imports to avoid attaching those packages.when
to get rid of the conflicting imports warning message.To Reproduce
Environment, if relevant
MacOS 14.6.1, R 4.3.3, Python 3.10.15, conda 24.5.0