Hopperpop / Sgp4-Library

Library for calculating satellites positions and predicting overpasses.
MIT License
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Mathematical innacuracies #8

Open linmar22 opened 1 year ago

linmar22 commented 1 year ago

Seems like the result of invjday and findsat is off. Compared to N2YO and gPredict, the nearest passes are off by 1-5 minutes, the current calculated direction of the satellite seems to be off, sometimes even by as much as 30 degrees elevation.

Is this a limitation of a simplified SGP4 or am I just being an idiot?

iu2frl commented 1 month ago

Same here, library returns:

Tracking: ISS (ZARYA) Azimuth: 91.44 Elevation: -44.68

While tracking apps shows: Azimuth: 63.6 Elevation: -60.6