HoraceAndTheSpider / Amiberry-XML-Builder

Python script to scan LHA files for WHDLoad integration in Amiberry
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XML overwrite necessary for NorthAndSouth_v2.1_Files_0194.lha/ NorthAndSouth_v2.1_Image_0194.lha #129

Open NoobieMaks opened 3 months ago

NoobieMaks commented 3 months ago

In the WHDLoad Custom Menu at the startup you can enable "Forces Joystick or CD32Pad for PL2 (mouse port)". The idea is very good but it does not work as it would be needed.

Because there are three kinds of movements in the game:

  1. moving the soldiers over the map
  2. moving the canons, horses and troops on the battle field
  3. and moving a runner (attacker) and some defenders (attacked one) when you are trying to enter a fort

The first two types are ok with the enabled custom menu, but the third is not working! Only when I use my keyboard cursor buttons and space I can navigate my runner or defenders in this game situation. It would need additional mapping for this third game situation type.

Tested with: buster + RePi 4.8.6 + Amiberry 5.6.8 (WHDLoad 18.9.6601)

giantclambake commented 1 week ago


Can you please provide an amiberry.log file of the title's start/run, so I can check the load-up (might be a retroarch issue)


NoobieMaks commented 1 week ago

@giantclambake I give you 2 logfiles, one with using the WHDLoad option without having an uae-file and one with using my uae-file without enabling the WHDLoad-option. Maybe you can see a difference. In my uae-file I made some mappings for the cursors so I can use the D-Pad for the second player and the game gets fully playable. Additionally I give you my uae-file, maybe it's also useful for you. NorthAndSouth_v2.1_Image_0194.uae.txt amiberry.log_withwhd.txt amiberry.log_withuae.txt

Meanwhile tested with RPI3 + buster + RePi 4.8.6 + Amiberry 5.7.0 (WHDLoad 18.9.6601)

giantclambake commented 1 week ago


Thanks ~ this very much could be related to amiberry issue #1363. Likely the best idea is to retest this title, after midwan has a chance to address that bug ;)

HoraceAndTheSpider commented 1 week ago

Defiantly worth putting in a report with the Whdload mantis bug tracker - the game was meant to have been fixed to remove any reliance on the keyboard if I remember rightly - a good call too for this game

NoobieMaks commented 1 week ago

@giantclambake Amiberry issue #1363 is about a GENERAL disfunction of the game controlling buttons.

This issue here with North & South is about a very very SPECIFIC part of a WHDLoad option, where the normal game control and the battles are working perfectly and only the Fort raiding is not possible, only in this situation the second controller does not work. It seems not correct coded/mapped in the WHDLoad Custom 1 option "Forces Joystick ... for Player 2".

Originally played on my Amiga 500+ the second player needs mouse and keyboard. Mouse for dragging the troops over the map and the keyboard to command them in a battle (right shift = change of canons, riders, troopers/ space for fire / cursor for navigation). All these things work with the WHLoad Custom 1 option. Only when I want to raid a Fort I cannot navigate (would be with the cursors and space) the raider when I am offensive, or I can not call the defenders when I am defensive, this would be cursor up or down for a defender on the wall = up= or on the floor = down =. Hitting space would distribute blows on the attacker.

So the retroarch mapping behind must be correct, otherwise it would not work in a battle. Only at the Force raiding scenes the WHDLoad option is not active, I think is has been forgotten because these are rare game scenes. IMHO it has nothing to do with Amiberry it's indeed more a matter of WHDLoad. My tests have been done with Amiberry 5.6.6. 5.6.8 and 5.7.0 - always the same behaviour.

@HoraceAndTheSpider Should I report it in the mantis bug tracker or will you do?

NoobieMaks commented 1 week ago

Funny, taking a look on mantis lead me to this finding: mantis already knows the issue since years - but still open: image

giantclambake commented 1 week ago


Thanks for retesting, and narrowing down the cause as something other than the XML or amiberry. It does look like a whdload slave problem given what you've found, so the title will need to be fixed first ;)