Horhik / Instagram2Fedi

Python script for crossposting from Instagram to Mastodon or Pixelfed
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Instagram checkpoint causes failure #16

Open neilcar opened 1 year ago

neilcar commented 1 year ago

Instagram2Fedi is failing for me because Instagram wants to create a checkpoint; however, since the container isn't saving session state, I'm just in this continual loop of failure.

Traceback (most recent call last):
Tue, Nov 29 2022 9:04:16 am | File "/app/src/main.py", line 70, in <module>
Tue, Nov 29 2022 9:04:16 am | get_new_posts(mastodon, mastodon_carousel_size, post_limit, id_filename, using_mastodon, mastodon_carousel_size, post_interval, fetched_user, user)
Tue, Nov 29 2022 9:04:16 am | File "/app/src/network.py", line 78, in get_new_posts
Tue, Nov 29 2022 9:04:16 am | profile = get_instagram_user(user, fetched_user)
Tue, Nov 29 2022 9:04:16 am | File "/app/src/network.py", line 18, in get_instagram_user
Tue, Nov 29 2022 9:04:16 am | L.login(user["name"], user["password"])
Tue, Nov 29 2022 9:04:16 am | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/instaloader/instaloader.py", line 634, in login
Tue, Nov 29 2022 9:04:16 am | self.context.login(user, passwd)
Tue, Nov 29 2022 9:04:16 am | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/instaloader/instaloadercontext.py", line 239, in login
Tue, Nov 29 2022 9:04:16 am | raise ConnectionException("Login: Checkpoint required. Point your browser to "
Tue, Nov 29 2022 9:04:16 am | instaloader.exceptions.ConnectionException: Login: Checkpoint required. Point your browser to https://www.instagram.com/challenge/action/...

Instaloader discusses the problem at https://instaloader.github.io/troubleshooting.html#login-error