HorizenOfficial / Sphere_by_Horizen

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Wallet seems broken, not showing address or allowing send #82

Open spidermike151 opened 1 year ago

spidermike151 commented 1 year ago

Yea so I hadnt really opened or messed with my previous wallet in a while (sphere beta v 1.2 something old) and since I've been getting some pipeflare punk tokens on the cobalt wallet I figured I should check out the old zen wallet. Well last night all was good went to check the balance and even preview or try to send some zen to my cobalt wallet but noticed the " sidechain" slider was nowhere to be found. Ok so lets update our sphere wallet. Fast forward to today I logged onto the old wallet and I could not see my address or click send or receive as in clicking those did nothing. I then proceeded to download the latest sphere wallet, opened it up and same issue, it shows my wallet name, balance and will refresh the balance but my address is not visible anywhere and when I click send or receive again nothing happens, any ideas? Thanks

horeaeugen commented 8 months ago

Aceiași problemă o am și eu. Nu reușesc să retrag.