HorizonFFXI / HorizonXI-Issues

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🐛[BUG][Quest - Jueno "Save my Sister"] #1848

Closed RunisPrime closed 4 months ago

RunisPrime commented 5 months ago

Unable to light all 4 Braziers > turn in the quest for completion Upon lighting 1 Brazier, the other 3 don't react. Baudin does not accept quest as complete. EDIT: Update, GM changed values to re-flag quest. It is now working as intended. RESOLVED.

jamesbradleym commented 4 months ago

Unable to reproduce - upon interacting with each Brazier in order the lantern lights as expected. Interacting with the Braziers out of order extinguished the flame as expect. When interacting with a Brazier out of sequence the Brazier no longer interacts with the lantern.

Do you have any other details/notes to help track this down?

RunisPrime commented 4 months ago

GM changed values to re-flag quest. It is now working as intended.