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🐛[BUG]Several Waking the Beast issues #1856

Open ZariusCane opened 5 months ago

ZariusCane commented 5 months ago

Elementals aren't supposed to be sleepable and are immune to just about every status effect. Binds, Gravity won't work either. proof proof2

Avatar and Elementals aggro to magic 39.9 away as you'll see in the Shiva video In the video you'll also see Shiva spawn an elemental after the initial elementals are dead.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qknupwkfEp4 - Shiva

Incase you wanna see more for research purposes, here are the rest of the captures.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lpQAZbJ-Kg - Ramuh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptmB9cs3YUc - Leviathan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8SRk9sZqmk - Ifrit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYcP_JBbFLA - Garuda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfRCv7kfo6M - Titan

In each of these videos, you'll pretty much see that you cannot CC the elementals at all.

overefined commented 4 months ago

mob:addImmunity(xi.immunity.GRAVITY) mob:addImmunity(xi.immunity.BIND) mob:addImmunity(xi.immunity.STUN) mob:addImmunity(xi.immunity.PARALYZE)

should they be immune to silence, slow, etc?

ZariusCane commented 4 months ago

Yes, they're immune to basically every enfeeble. Titans En-slow actually overwrote haste 2 on RDM.