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🐛[BUG][System] Emperor Band Exp Bonus Issue #1862

Open mikeyp718 opened 4 months ago

mikeyp718 commented 4 months ago

[BUG][System] - Emperor Band Exp Issue What does this bug affect? The emperor band seems to be giving less exp than it should. Currently says 2250 bonus @ 75% exp per kill.
Should be a total of 5250 exp earned (3000 earned + 2250 exp charge bonus) to go through an entire charge.
Currently it seems to be wearing off around the 4800-4900 mark.

Steps to Reproduce Use an Emperor Band Charge, and note your experience from the start until it wears off. You should have ~5250 more, to have gone through an entire charge. It will only be around 4800-4900 more, instead.

Expected behavior An entire emperor band charge should be 5250 experience total.

Screenshots Emperor Band Start Exp at Start of Charge Emperor Band End

Setup Information Windows. Version

Additional context Notes on screenshots; 1st image "Emperor Band Start" - Popped band around 5:28 PM had 9991 starting exp and earned 75 exp. 2nd image "Exp at Start of Charge" - 5:30 PM, proof of exp at start; 10066 = (9991 start exp +75 exp from "Image 1" kill). 3rd image "Emperor Band End" - My charge wore off with my character only at 14,846 exp.

I did not zone, or level up on on any other jobs. Therefore from 9991 exp start, plus a 5250 bonus total, the charge should wear around 15241 exp. It is currently shorting the total by around 400 exp.

I imagine it's a percentage coding error in the background.